program BARNES c c This program performs an objective analysis of a scalar c field using Barnes' scheme. It can also be apllied to c a vector field provided each component is treated c separately. The program doesn't include any bad data c verification since this depends on the field to be analysed. c A trivial setup has ,however,been arranged in subroutine c INTERP. c parameter( ns = 85,l = 27,m = 15 ) common /dist/x(ns),y(ns),ib(ns),jb(ns),xg(l),yg(m) real value(ns),ylat(ns),xlong(ns),hg(l,m) data wlong,slat,dx,dy/97.,39.,0.5,0.5/ c c variable definitions. c c ns : number of station data c l : east-west dimension of the analysis domain c m : north-south dimension of the analysis domain c slat : southernmost latitude c wlong : westernmost longitude c dx,dy : grid size in the x and y directions c open (10,file='station.da2',status='old ') open (12, file='out6.dat ',status='unknown') c c Read station data c ii : station number c ylat : station latitude c xlong : station longitude c value : station value of the field to analyse c 81 format(2x,i2,2x,3f10.2) do 5200 i = 1, ns read (10,81)ii,ylat(i),xlong(i),value(i) 5200 continue c c Compute the coordinates of the stations(meters) from the origin c (wlong,slat). Also find the coordinates of the closest grid point c to the station ,based on the following relationship : c iposx = ifact*difx + 1 , and c iposy = jfact*dify + 1 , where c ifact and jfact are the number of grid points within 1 degrees of c latitude ,and can be expressed as , ifact = integer(1./dx) and c jfact = integer(1./dy). Difx,dify are the absolute values of the c differences in degrees between the station and the origin, c in the x,y directions,respectively. c do 5202 i = 1, ns x(i) = (wlong-xlong(i))*cos(ylat(i))*1.111e5 y(i) = (ylat(i)-slat)*1.111e5 ib(i) = 2*(wlong-xlong(i)) + 1 jb(i) = 2*(ylat(i) - slat) + 1 5202 continue c c Compute the distance of all grid points from origin. c do 5204 i = 1, l xg(i) = (i-1)*1.111e5*dx 5204 continue do 5206 j = 1, m yg(j) = (j-1)*1.111e5*dy 5206 continue c c Perform the objective analysis . c call OBJAN2 (value,hg,L,M,1) c c Write outputs c write (12,1000) ((hg(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) 1000 format (10f8.2) stop end subroutine OBJAN2 (value,hg,ix,iy,number) c c This subroutine performs an objective analysis c following barnes method . c parameter (ns = 85, l = 27, m = 15) common /dist/ x(ns),y(ns),ib(ns),jb(ns),xg(l),yg(m) real value(ns),h(ns),g(L,M),hg(ix,iy) c c Set the number of passes c nop = 4 do 5210 n = 1, nop call INTERP (value,hg,ix,iy,number) c c For the first iteration,the observed values are stored in h. c if (n.eq.1) then do 5211 k = 1, ns h(k) = value (k) 5211 continue do 5212 i = 1, ix do 5212 j = 1, iy g(i,j) = hg(i,j) 5212 continue else c c Second and third iterations. c do 5213 i = 1, ix do 5213 j = 1, iy g(i,j) = g(i,j) + hg(i,j) 5213 continue endif c c Fourth iteration . c if (n.eq.4) then do 5214 i = 1, ns value(k) = h(k) 5214 continue do 5215 i = 1, ix do 5215 j = 1, iy hg(i,j)= g(i,j) 5215 continue else do 5216 k = 1, ns value(k) = h(k)-0.25*(g(ib(k),jb(k))+g(ib(k)+1,jb(k)) & +g(ib(k),jb(k)+1)+g(ib(k)+1,jb(k)+1)) 5216 continue endif 5210 continue return end subroutine INTERP (value,hg,ix,iy,number) c c This subroutine Compute the weights for Barnes' scheme c and the values of the interpolated functions. c parameter(ns=85,l=27,m=15) common /dist/x(ns),y(ns),ib(ns),jb(ns),xg(l),yg(m) real value(ns),hg(ix,iy) 21 format(10f8.2) c c Define the radius of influence . c r = 2.75e5 rsqr = r*r do 5220 i = 1, ix do 5220 j = 1, iy suma = 0. sumb = 0. do 5221 k = 1,ns c c Compute distance between grid point and station . c dist2 = (x(k)-xg(i)*cos(39.+dy*(j-1)))**2 & +(y(k)-yg(j))**2 c c Set an arbitary test.Critical value needs to be c changed corresponding to input data set. c if (value(k).gt.5000.) go to 5221 c c Check if the station is within the c radius of influence . c if ( go to 5221 c c compute the weigths (eq. 5.28) c wgt = exp(-4.*dist2/rsqr) c c compute the interpolated value (eq. 5.29) c prod = value(k)*wgt suma = suma+wgt sumb = sumb+prod 5221 continue hg(i,j) = sumb/suma 5220 continue return end