program CRESSMAN c c This program performs an objective analysis of a vector c field using Cressman's successive corrections technique. c The method consists of modifying an initial guess field c using obervations. c parameter (l = 21,m = 13,np = 7) real sumx(l,m),sumy(l,m),icount(l,m),store(l,m) real a(3,l,m),udev(1500),vdev(1500),rinfo(7,1500) real zstd(3),datau(l,m,np),datav(l,m,np) common ug(l,m),vg(l,m) equivalence(icount,store) real id 1000 format(' too many vectors read ') c c define constants c data zstd/1500.,3171.,12353./ data pres,imax,g,nmaps,lev,time/700.0,1500,9.81,1,1,12./ data rltmn,rlnmn,rltinc,rlninc /-15.,-25.,2.5,2.5/ c c Definitions : c unit 1 : station data c unit 7 : first guess field c unit 8 : output field c open(1,file = 'station.dat',status='old') open(7,file = 'uv21.dat',status='old') open(8,file = 'out.dat',status='unknown') c do 5100 n = 1,nmaps nvect = 0 id = 6.0 c c read cloud motion vectors c 20 read(1,1004,end=30)rlat,rlon,spd,dir 1004 format(2f12.2,4x,2f12.2) c c Check validity of input data c 12 if ( go to 20 if (dir.eq.999.) go to 20 if ( ) go to 20 if (spd.le.0. ) go to 20 if (spd.eq.999.) go to 20 c c Arrange data in array rinfo.This array is described c in subroutine OBJAN . Note that for this example the c wind speed is in (m/s) and is converted to knots before c calling the objective analysis scheme(convertion factor c is equal to 1.94). c nvect = nvect+1 rinfo(7,nvect) = spd*1.94 rinfo(6,nvect) = dir rinfo(5,nvect) = time rinfo(3,nvect) = rlon rinfo(4,nvect) = zstd(lev) rinfo(2,nvect) = rlat rinfo(1,nvect) = id c c Display input data as they are read. c write(6,1004)rlat,rlon,spd*1.94,dir if (nvect .le. 1500) goto 20 print 1000 stop ' too many vectors read ' 30 continue print *,'number of vector read' ,nvect c c Read the guess field c 878 format(10f8.2) do 5102 ip = 1,np read (7,878) ((datau(i,j,ip),i=1,l),j=1,m) read (7,878) ((datav(i,j,ip),i=1,l),j=1,m) 5102 continue c c Extract the wind field at 500 mb . c do 5104 i = 1, l do 5104 j = 1, m ug(i,j) = datau (i,j,4) vg(i,j) = datav (i,j,4) 5104 continue c c Write the observed u,v fields . c call BUFF (ug,l*m,8,2) call BUFF (vg,l*m,8,2) c c Alter the wind field by setting its v-component c to zero. this is to be used as initial guess field . c call ZERO1 (vg,l,m) c c Write the initial guess field . c call BUFF (ug,l*m,8,2) call BUFF (vg,l*m,8,2) c print 1001 1001 format(///,10x,'begin objective analysis ',i2) c c Perform the objective analysis c call OBJAN (rinfo,ug,vg,l,m,nvect,time,lev,sumx & ,sumy,a,icount,udev,vdev,store,rltmn & ,rlnmn,rltinc,rlninc,zstd) c c Write the analyzed fields . c call BUFF (ug,l*m,8,2) call BUFF (vg,l*m,8,2) c 5100 continue stop end subroutine BUFF (a,lm,id,ip) c c This subroutine is used to either c read or write an array 'a' of dimension c lm = l*m ,to unit id. c c Input : c c a : 1D array to be read/written c lm : dimension of 'a' c id : unit number c ip : flag for read/write c ip=1 : read ,ip=2 : write c c real a(lm) if (ip.eq.2) go to 30 read (id,878) (a(ii),ii=1,lm) write (*,*) (a(ii),ii=1,lm,10) return 30 write(id,878) (a(ii),ii=1,lm) 878 format(5e13.6) return end subroutine ZERO1 (a,l,m) c c This subroutine initialize c 2D fields to zero c dimension a(l,m) do 5130 i = 1, l do 5130 j = 1, m 5130 a(i,j) = 0. return end subroutine OBJAN (rinfo,ug,vg,l,m,nvect,time,lev,sumx,sumy,a, & icount,udev,vdev,store,rltmn,rlnmn,rltinc,rlninc,zstd) c c This subroutine performs an objective analysis of the u and v c components of the wind over a limited domain. it uses the successive c corrections with 4 scans through the data set. c the data need not be located exclusively within the analysis domain. c to be provided by the user in the calling program. c c Definition of variables . c c rinfo : floating point variable dimensioned 7*(number of datum) c rinfo(1,i) : through rinfo(7,i) contains 7 pieces of information c c For each datum number i. c c rinfo(1,i) : whole number from 1.0 to 9.0 indicating source of datum. c rinfo(2,i) : degrees latitude of observation(+=north,-=south). c rinfo(3,i) : degrees rlongitude of observation(+=east,-=west). c rinfo(4,i) : pressure level of observation in mb. c rinfo(5,i) : time of observation in hours. c rinfo(6,i) : wind direction in degrees(0.=north,90.=east,etc.). c rinfo(7,i) : wind speed in knots. c l,m : integer number of north-south and east-west grid points, c respectively. c nvect : integer number of wind observations submitted. c time : time of analysis in hours(floating point). c lev : for the time being, set lev=1(integer). c ug,vg : dimensioned (l*m) are the u and v components of the c firstguess field.u and v components of the analyzed c field are returned in these variables after calling c the subroutine. c rltmn,rlnmn : southernmost latitude and westernmost longitude of the c analysis domain(+=north or east,-=south or west). c rltinc,rlninc: s latitude and longitude increments, respectively, c of the grid in degrees. c c the remaining variables are used as internal storage by OBJAN and c must have the following dimensions in the calling program. c c sumx,sumy,icount,store dimensioned l*m. note that icount should c be equivalenced to store in the calling program. c a is dimensioned (3*l*m) and udev,vdev dimensioned (nvect). c real sumx(l,m),sumy(l,m),denom(3),rainf(4) real rinfo(7,nvect),ug(l,m),vg(l,m),ermx(4),gamma(9) character *7 ierror(4),source dimension a(3,l,m),icount(l,m),udev(nvect),vdev(nvect) real store(l,m),zstd(3) data denom/.25,-.50,1.0/ data ierror/'value','time','height','location'/ data ermx/50.,40.,30.,30./ data gamma/5*1.,.2,.2,.5,1./ print 115,l,m,nvect,time 115 format(//,5x,'l ='i4,5x,'m ='i4,5x,'number vectors submitted ='i5, 1 5x,'time of analysis'f4.0,' z',//) c c define some constants c trainf = 6.0 hrainf = 500. l1 = l-1 m1 = m-1 rlnmx = rlnmn+rlninc*l1 rltmx = rltmn+rltinc*m1 avect = float(nvect) xlm = float(l*m) xl1m1 = float(l1*m1) d = sqrt(xl1m1/avect) c c rainf(1),rainf(2) have been modified as well as nop c rainf(1) = 5.0*d rainf(2) = 4.0*d rainf(3) = 3.0*d rainf(4) = 2.0*d c c number of operation c nop=4 print 1010,d,nop 1010 format(1h ,5x,'average station separation is'f4.1,' & grid lengths',/,5x,'objective analysis will be done & for'i4,' passes',//) alpha = -alog(0.4)/trainf**2 zalpha = -alog(.5)/hrainf**2 pi180 = 4.*atan(1.0)/180. speedmx = 200. dout = rainf(1)*rlninc dout2 = -dout k = 0 c c check quality of initial data .compute time and height weighting c factors.change direction and speed to u and v in meters per second. c do 5110 i = 1, nvect if ( rinfo(7,i).gt.speedmx.or.rinfo(6,i).gt.360. & .or.rinfo(6,i).lt.0.) ierr=1 if ( rinfo(7,i).gt.speedmx.or.rinfo(6,i).gt.360. & .or.rinfo(6,i).lt.0.) go to 5 c c calculation of u,v from dir,spd 'check units of incoming spd'. c u and v should be calculated to give units of m/sec. c r = rinfo(6,i)*pi180 rinfo(6,i)= .5155*rinfo(7,i)*sin(r) rinfo(7,i)= .5155*rinfo(7,i)*cos(r) t = abs(rinfo(5,i)-time) if ( t = abs(t-24.) if ( ierr = 2 if ( go to 5 rinfo(5,i)= exp(-alpha*t*t) zz = abs(rinfo(4,i)-zstd(lev)) if ( ierr = 3 if ( go to 5 rinfo(4,i)= exp(-zalpha*zz*zz) c c find position of vector on grid and put coordinates in place of c latitude and longitude c d1 = rinfo(2,i)-rltmx d2 = rinfo(2,i)-rltmn d3 = rinfo(3,i)-rlnmx d4 = rinfo(3,i)-rlnmn d2 = -d2 d4 = -d4 if( ierr=4 if( go to 5 if( rinfo(1,i)= &-abs(rinfo(1,i)) rinfo(2,i)= -d2/rltinc+1. rinfo(3,i)= -d4/rlninc+1. go to 8 5 print 1006,i,ierror(ierr),(rinfo(kk,i),kk=1,7) 1006 format(1x,'vector number'i5' rejected (bad ',a8,2x,7f5.1) go to 5110 8 k = k+1 do 5111 ii= 1, 7 5111 rinfo(ii,k)=rinfo(ii,i) 5110 continue nn = nvect-k if ( print 100,nn,k 100 format(1h ,5x,'there were',i4,3x,'vectors rejected, leaving &a total of',i5) nvect = k avect = float(nvect) c c find variance of initial data c usum = 0. vsum = 0. do 5112 i = 1, nvect usum = usum+rinfo(6,i) vsum = vsum+rinfo(7,i) 5112 continue ubar = usum/avect vbar = vsum/avect uvar = 0. vvar = 0. do 5113 i = 1,nvect uvar = uvar+(ubar-rinfo(6,i))*(ubar-rinfo(6,i)) vvar = vvar+(vbar-rinfo(7,i))*(vbar-rinfo(7,i)) 5113 continue uvar = uvar/avect vvar = vvar/avect c c interpolation of data c do 5114 ipass=1,nop c print 1990,ipass 1990 format(///,1h ,18x,'pass number'i3) c r = rainf(ipass) r2 = r*r ermax = ermx(ipass) c c first find deviations at stations from guess field c do 5115 ist = 1, nvect x = rinfo(3,ist) y = rinfo(2,ist) c c calculate deviation at station inside grid c if (rinfo(1,ist).gt.0.) go to 15 go to 5115 15 continue ix = x+.5 iy = y+.5 if (ix.eq.1) ix=2 if (ix.eq.l) ix=l1 if (iy.eq.1) iy=2 if (iy.eq.m) iy=m1 xp = x-float(ix) yp = y-float(iy) dx = 1. dy = 1. yk1 = yp*(yp-dy) yk2 = (yp+dy)*(yp-dy) yk3 = (yp+dy)*yp xk1 = xp*(xp-dx) xk2 = (xp+dx)*(xp-dx) xk3 = (xp+dx)*xp g1 = xk1*yk1*denom(1) g2 = xk2*yk1*denom(2) g3 = xk3*yk1*denom(1) g4 = xk1*yk2*denom(2) g5 = xk2*yk2*denom(3) g6 = xk3*yk2*denom(2) g7 = xk1*yk3*denom(1) g8 = xk2*yk3*denom(2) g9 = xk3*yk3*denom(1) ixm = ix-1 ixp = ix+1 iym = iy-1 iyp = iy+1 c uval = g1*ug(ixm,iym)+g2*ug(ix,iym)+g3*ug(ixp,iym) & +g4*ug(ixm,iy)+g5*ug(ix,iy)+g6*ug(ixp,iy) & +g7*ug(ixm,iyp)+g8*ug(ix,iyp)+g9*ug(ixp,iyp) c vval = g1*vg(ixm,iym)+g2*vg(ix,iym)+g3*vg(ixp,iym) & +g4*vg(ixm,iy)+g5*vg(ix,iy)+g6*vg(ixp,iy) & +g7*vg(ixm,iyp)+g8*vg(ix,iyp)+g9*vg(ixp,iyp) c udev(ist) = rinfo(6,ist)-uval vdev(ist) = rinfo(7,ist)-vval if (abs(udev(ist)).gt.ermax) go to 39 if (abs(vdev(ist)).gt.ermax) go to 39 go to 5115 39 continue source = 'inside' xlat = (rinfo(2,ist)-1.)*rltinc+rltmn xlon = (rinfo(3,ist)-1.)*rlninc+rlnmn print 166,source,ist,xlat,xlon,rinfo(6,ist),rinfo(7,ist), & uval,vval,udev(ist),vdev(ist) 166 format(1x,'bad piece of data 'a7,' grid vector number'i5, & ' lat='f6.1,' long='f6.1, & ' u='g10.3,' v='g10.3,/,10x,' uguess='g10.3,' vguess='g10.3, & ' udev='g10.3,' vdev='g10.3) udev(ist) = 999. vdev(ist) = 999. 5115 continue c c calculate deviation at station outside grid c do 5116 ist=1,nvect id = ifix(abs(rinfo(1,ist))+0.01) if (rinfo(1,ist).gt.0.) go to 5116 x = rinfo(3,ist) y = rinfo(2,ist) a1 = 0. a2 = 0. a3 = 0. jj = y j1 = jj-r-1 if ( go to 44 j2 = jj+r+1 if ( go to 44 if ( j1 = 1 if ( j2 = m ii = x i1 = ii-r-1 i2 = ii+r+1 if ( go to 44 if ( go to 44 if ( i1=1 if ( i2=l do 5117 i = i1, i2 xdist = abs(x-float(i)) do 5118 j = j1,j2 ydist = abs(y-float(j)) dist2 = xdist*xdist+ydist*ydist p1 = r2-dist2 if (p1) 5118,5118,5518 5518 p2 = r2+dist2 weight = p1/p2 a1 = a1+weight*ug(i,j) a2 = a2+weight*vg(i,j) a3 = a3+weight 5118 continue 5117 continue if ( go to 44 udev(ist) = rinfo(6,ist)-a1/a3 vdev(ist) = rinfo(7,ist)-a2/a3 uval = a1/a3 vval = a2/a3 if (abs(udev(ist)).gt.ermax) go to 46 if (abs(vdev(ist)).gt.ermax) go to 46 go to 5116 46 continue source = 'outside' xlat = (rinfo(2,ist)-1.)*rltinc+rltmn xlon = (rinfo(3,ist)-1.)*rlninc+rlnmn print 166,source,ist,xlat,xlon,rinfo(6,ist),rinfo(7,ist), & uval,vval,udev(ist),vdev(ist) 44 continue udev(ist) = 999. vdev(ist) = 999. 5116 continue c c calculation of correction to grid point value. c cgmax = 0.5*r do 5119 i = 1,l do 5119 j = 1,m a(1,i,j)= 0.0 a(2,i,j)= 0.0 a(3,i,j)= 0.0 sumx(i,j) = 0. sumy(i,j) = 0. icount(i,j)= 0 do 5119 k = 1, 3 5119 a(k,i,j) = 0. c do 5120 ist=1,nvect id = ifix(abs(rinfo(1,ist))+0.01) if (udev(ist).eq.999) go to 5120 x = rinfo(3,ist) y = rinfo(2,ist) jj = y j1 = jj-r-1 if ( go to 5120 j2 = jj+r+1 if ( go to 5120 if ( j1 = 1 if ( j2 = m ii = x i1 = ii-r-1 i2 = ii+r+1 if ( go to 5120 if ( go to 5120 if ( i2=l if ( i1=1 do 5121 i = i1, i2 xx = i xdist = abs(x-xx) do 5122 j = j1,j2 yy = j ydist = abs(y-yy) dist2 = xdist*xdist+ydist*ydist p1 = r2-dist2 if(p1) 5122,5122,5522 5522 p2 = r2+dist2 weight = p1/p2*rinfo(5,ist)*gamma(id)*rinfo(4,ist) a(1,i,j) = a(1,i,j)+udev(ist)*weight a(2,i,j) = a(2,i,j)+vdev(ist)*weight a(3,i,j) = a(3,i,j)+weight icount(i,j)= icount(i,j)+1 sumx(i,j) = sumx(i,j)+x-xx sumy(i,j) = sumy(i,j)+y-yy 5122 continue 5121 continue 5120 continue do 5123 i = 1, l do 5123 j = 1, m if (icount(i,j).eq.0) go to 5123 xc = sumx(i,j) / float(icount(i,j)) yc = sumy(i,j)/float(icount(i,j)) sumx(i,j) = sqrt(xc*xc+yc*yc) c c calculate the corrected fields c p1dp2 = 1. sumx(i,j) = abs(sumx(i,j)) if (sumx(i,j).lt.cgmax) go to 5162 p1dp2 = (r-sumx(i,j))/(0.5*r) 5162 if (a(3,i,j)) 5123,5123,5168 5168 continue ug(i,j)= ug(i,j)+a(1,i,j)/a(3,i,j)*p1dp2 vg(i,j)= vg(i,j)+a(2,i,j)/a(3,i,j)*p1dp2 5123 continue c c find root mean square error in u and v c k = 0 ve = 0. ue = 0. do 5124 ist= 1, nvect if (rinfo(1,ist).le.0.) go to 5124 x = rinfo(3,ist) y = rinfo(2,ist) ix = x+.000001 iy = y+.000001 if(ix.eq.l) ix=l1 if(iy.eq.m) iy=m1 ixp1 = ix+1 iyp1 = iy+1 u1 = ug(ix,iy) v1 = vg(ix,iy) u2 = ug(ix,iyp1) v2 = vg(ix,iyp1) u3 = ug(ixp1,iyp1) v3 = vg(ixp1,iyp1) u4 = ug(ixp1,iy) v4 = vg(ixp1,iy) d1 = x-float(ix) d2 = y-float(iy) uu = u1*(1.-d1)*(1.-d2)+u4*d1*(1.-d2)+ & u3*d1*d2+u2*d2*(1.-d1) vv = v1*(1.-d1)*(1.-d2)+v4*d1*(1.-d2)+ & v3*d1*d2+v2*d2*(1.-d1) u1 = (rinfo(6,ist)-uu) ue = ue+u1*u1 v1 = rinfo(7,ist)-vv ve = ve+v1*v1 k = k+1 5124 continue ue = ue/float(k) ve = ve/float(k) urms = sqrt(ue) vrms = sqrt(ve) vec = sqrt(ue+ve) print 200,urms,vrms,vec 200 format(//,18x,'root mean square u error',f10.3,2x,'m/sec',/, 1 18x,'root mean square v error',f10.3,2x,'m/sec', 2 /,18x,'rms vector error'f10.3,2x,'m/sec') 305 format('(1h0,'i2'i4)') 5114 continue call smooth(vg,store,l,m) call smooth(ug,store,l,m) c c find variance of analyzed field c usum = 0. vsum = 0. do 5125 i = 1, l do 5125 j = 1, m usum = usum + ug(i,j) vsum = vsum + vg(i,j) 5125 continue ubar2 = usum/xlm vbar2 = vsum/xlm uvar2 = 0. vvar2 = 0. do 5126 i = 1, l do 5126 j = 1, m uvar2 = uvar2+(ug(i,j)-ubar2)*(ug(i,j)-ubar2) vvar2 = vvar2+(vg(i,j)-vbar2)*(vg(i,j)-vbar2) 5126 continue uvar2 = uvar2/xlm vvar2 = vvar2/xlm upctv = (uvar2/uvar)*100. vpctv = (vvar2/vvar)*100. print 2060,ubar,vbar,uvar,vvar 2060 format(/,1h ,10x,'initial data ubar='f6.2,' vbar='f6.2,' u var 1iance='f6.2,' v variance='f6.2) print 2064,ubar2,vbar2,uvar2,vvar2 2064 format(/,1h ,10x,'analyzed field ubar='f6.2,' vbar='f6.2,' u v 1ariance='f6.2,' v variance='f6.2) print 2066,upctv,vpctv 2066 format(/,1h ,10x,'u per cent variance'f6.1,/,1h ,10x,'v per cent v 1ariance'f6.1) return end subroutine SMOOTH (a,b,l,m) c c This subroutine performs smoothing c on a 2D array . Input array 'a' is c modified on output. c real a(l,m),b(l,m) l1 = l-1 m1 = m-1 rnu = 0.1 rnu1 = 0.5*rnu*(1.-rnu) rnu2 = 0.25*rnu*rnu do 5120 i = 2,l1 ip=i+1 im=i-1 do 5120 j = 2,m1 b(i,j) = a(i,j)+rnu1*(a(im,j)+a(ip,j)+a(i,j+1) & +a(i,j-1)-4.*a(i,j))+rnu2*(a(im,j+1) & +a(im,j-1)+a(ip,j+1)+a(ip,j-1)-4.*a(i,j)) 5120 continue do 5121 i = 2, l1 do 5121 j = 2, m1 a(i,j) = b(i,j) 5121 continue return end