program DERIV c c this simple program computes the first derivative of a function c using the second and fourth order accurate schemes. the following c driver estimates the derivatives of p(z) = po*exp(-a*z) c parameter(l=10) real z(l),p(l),p2(l),p4(l),anal(l) c data z /0000.,1000.,2000.,3000.,4000., & 5000.,6000.,7000.,8000.,9000./ data a,p0,dz/0.000125062,1000.,1000./ c c initialize the work arrays c do 2100 k = 1, l p2(k) = 0. p4(k) = 0. 2100 continue c do 2102 k = 1, l c c construct the function p(z) c p(k) = p0*exp(-a*z(k)) c c compute the analytical derivative c anal(k) = -a*p0*exp(-a*z(k)) c 2102 continue c c compute the second order estimate c call DDX2 (p,p2,l,dz,1) c c compute the fourth order estimate c call DDX4 (p,p4,l,dz) c c write output . The 4th order derivative is omitted at the first c and last 2 points since it is not defined as 4th order. c write (6,1000) write (6,1001) c do 2104 k = 1, l if ( then write(6,1002) anal(k), p2(k) else write(6,1003) anal(k), p2(k), p4(k) endif 2104 continue c 1000 format (5x,'analytical',15x,'second order',13x,'fourth order') 1001 format (5x,' solution ',15x,' estimate ',13x,' estimate ',/) 1002 format (5x,f10.6,15x,f10.6) 1003 format (5x,f10.6,15x,f10.6,15x,f10.6) stop end subroutine DDX2 (a,b,l,dx,index) c c This subroutine performs the second c order finite difference c c input : a,l,dx,index c output : b c index=0 : cyclic boundary conditions c index=1 : noncyclic boundary conditions c real a(l),b(l) l1 = l-1 do 2110 i = 2, l1 2110 b(i) = (a(i+1) - a(i-1))/(2.*dx) if (index.eq.0) b(1) = (a(2)-a(l1))/(2.*dx) if (index.eq.0) b(l) = b(1) if (index.eq.1) b(1) = (a(2)-a(1))/dx if (index.eq.1) b(l) = (a(l)-a(l1))/dx return end subroutine DDX4 (a,b,l,dx) c c This subroutine performs the fourth order c finite difference .The computation is cyclic . c c input : a,l,dx c output : b real a(l),b(l) l1 = l-1 l2 = l-2 l3 = l-3 c1 = 4./3. c2 = 1./3. dx2 = 1./(2.*dx) dx4 = 1./(4.*dx) do 2120 i = 3, l2 b(i) = c1*((a(i+1)-a(i-1))*dx2) & - c2*((a(i+2)-a(i-2))*dx4) 2120 continue b(2) = c1*((a(3)-a(1))*dx2)-c2*((a(4)-a(l1))*dx4) b(1) = c1*((a(2)-a(l1))*dx2)-c2*((a(3)-a(l2))*dx4) b(l) = b(1) b(l1) = c1*((a(l)-a(l2))*dx2)-c2*((a(2)-a(l3))*dx4) return end