program INFIELD c c This program can be used either to prepare the c initial streamfunction field for the non-divergent c barotropic model forecast or the u,v,z fields for c the shallow water model iterativeinitialization/forecast. c If the program is to be used for preparing the initial c field for the barotropic model, set parameters c iopt1 = 0, and c iopt2 = 0 c In this case the program reads in the initial wind c field from unit 21 and outputs the streamfunction c field to unit 22. c If the program is to be used for preparing the initial c field for the shallow water model without terrain,set c iopt1 = 1, and c iopt2 = 0 c The program will read in the initial u,v field from c unit 21 and outputs the u,v,z field to unit 22. c For the preparation of initial field for shallow water c model with terrain, set c iopt1 = 1 ,and c iopt2 = 1 . c c Originator : The Florida State University. last revison by c L. Bounoua , July 1994. c c input : (1) Initial grid point zonal and meridional c components of the wind fields from unit 21. c (2) if program is used for preparing the initial c fields for the shallow water model with terrain, c then the reduced terrain field and its zonal c and meridional gradients are read in from unit c 20. c c output : (1) Logical unit 22 contains the output fields c described above. c (2) logical unit 10 is the dayfile file. c (3) logical unit 23 contains terrain,zonal and its mer- c idional gradients . c c Subroutines : bound, const,cycle, jacmod ,lapmod , relax, zfield, terr. c called terr ,stream,zfield . c c Definition : c c L : East-West dimension of the domain c M : North-south dimension of the domain c LADD : Number of points added to make the domain cyclic c u,v : Horizontal wind components c psi : Streamfunction c z : Height field c cor : Coriolis parameter for each latitude c dx : East-West grid spacing for each latitude c dx2 : East-West grid spacing for terrain field c aaa,uu,vv : Work arrays c wrka1,wrka : Work arrays c hd,dhdy,dhdx: Terrain and its gradients c c parameter(l = 45,m = 21,ladd = 6,lcy=l+ladd,iopt1 = 0,iopt2 = 0 ) common u(l,m) , v(l,m) , psi(l,m) real aaa(lcy,m) , uu(lcy,m) , vv(lcy,m) real z(lcy,m) , wrka1(lcy,m), wrka(l,m) real cor(m) , dx(m) , dx2(m) real dhdy(lcy,m), dhdx(lcy,m) , hd(lcy,m) equivalence (wrka,vv) c c Open the input-output files .Unit 20 and 23 are opened only c if the terrain is used . c open (21,file='uv.dat',status='old') open (22,file='infield_out.dat',status='unknown') if ( then open (20,file='terrain.dat',status='old') open (23,file='terrain.out',status='unknown') endif c c Print model functions c print *,' ' print *,' model status' print *,' ' if (iopt1.eq.0.and.iopt2.eq.0) then print *,' initialization for barotropic model ' print *,' ' print *,' the model reads the initial u,v field from unit 21' print *,' and outputs the streamfunction field to unit 22' print *,' ' else if (iopt1.eq.1.and.iopt2.eq.0) then print *,' initialization for the single level ' print *,' primtive equation model without terrain' print *,' ' print *,' the model reads in the input u,v field from unit 21' print *,' and outputs the u,v,z fields to unit 22' print *,' ' else if (iopt1.eq.1.and.iopt2.eq.1) then print *,' initialization for the single level ' print *,' primtive equation model with terrain' print *,' ' print *,' the model reads in the input u,v field from unit 21' print *,' and outputs the u,v,z fields to unit 22' print *,' the initial terrain field is read from unit 20' print *,' and the output field is written to unit 23' print *,' ' endif endif endif print *,' ' print *,' NOTE : ' print *,' the grid size and/or the southernmost latitude need' print *,' to be changed in subroutine "const" if the ' print *,' domain/or data is changed' print *,' ' print *,' ' c c Rewind all input tapes . c rewind (20) rewind (21) rewind (22) c l1 = l-1 m1 = m-1 m2 = m-2 c c Call subroutine CONST to define the constants c required by the program . c call CONST (m,dx,dy,cor,beta,slat,dphi) c c Read in the initial u, v fields . c read (21,878) ((u(ii,jj),ii=1,l),jj=1,m) read (21,878) ((v(ii,jj),ii=1,l),jj=1,m) 878 format(6e13.6) c c print first and last elements of u and v arrays as a check. c write (6,1000) u(1,1),u(l,m) write (6,1001) v(1,1),v(l,m) write (6,1002) 1000 format(1x,'u(1,1)=',e12.4,5x,'u(l,m)=',e12.4) 1001 format(1x,'v(1,1)=',e12.4,5x,'v(l,m)=',e12.4) 1002 format(//) 1003 format(1x,'z(1,1)=',e12.4,5x,'z(l,m)=',e12.4) c c Call subroutine STREAMF to compute the streamf- c unction field. c call STREAMF (u,v,l,lcy,l,m,dy,dx,wrka,psi) c c Call subroutine CYCLE to puts east-west cyclic c boundary condition on the streamfunction field . c do 10100 j = 1, m do 10100 i = 1, l aaa(i,j)= psi(i,j) 10100 continue call CYCLE (aaa,lcy,m,1) if (iopt1.eq.0) then write (22,879) ((aaa(i,j),i=1,lcy),j=1,m) 879 format(6e13.6) else c c Call subroutine ZFIELD to compute the height field c from the streamfunction field. c the mean height filed of the 700 mb surface is considered . c zbar = 3000. zbar2 = 0. call ZFIELDMOD (aaa,uu,vv,lcy,m,dx,dy,cor,wrka1,z,1.,1.,zbar,beta) do 10102 j= 1, m do 10102 i= 1, lcy-1 zbar2 = z(i,j) + zbar2 10102 continue zbar2 = zbar2/(m*(lcy-1)) do 10104 j= 1, m do 10104 i= 1, lcy z(i,j) = z(i,j)-zbar2+zbar 10104 continue c c Call subroutine CYCLE to put east - west cyclic conditions on c the u,v fields . c do 10106 j= 1, m do 10106 i= 1, l aaa(i,j)= u(i,j) 10106 continue call CYCLE (aaa,lcy,m,1) write (22,879) ((aaa(i,j),i=1,lcy),j=1,m) do 10108 j= 1, m do 10108 i= 1, l aaa(i,j) = v(i,j) 10108 continue call CYCLE (aaa,lcy,m,1) write (22,879) ((aaa(i,j),i=1,lcy),j=1,m) c c Read the terrain field if it is used. Read in terrain c field at l by m and then run CYCLE to get cyclic values c between l and lcy in zonal direction c if (iopt2.eq.1) then read (20,880) ((wrka1(ii,jj),ii=1,l),jj=1,m) call CYCLE (wrka1,lcy,m,1) aamax = wrka1(1,1) c c Compute the maximum valueof the terrain field and c normalized it . c do 10110 j= 1, m do 10110 i= 1, lcy 10110 if (wrka1(i,j).gt.aamax) aamax = wrka1(i,j) do 10112 j= 1, m do 10112 i= 1, lcy 10112 wrka1(i,j)= (wrka1(i,j)/aamax) * 1000.0 c c Subroutine TERR create tape21 for shallow water c model when c call TERR (wrka1,lcy,m,dphi,slat,dhdy,dhdx,dx2,hd) 880 format(6e13.6) do 10114 j= 1, m do 10114 i= 1, lcy 10114 z(i,j) = z(i,j)-1.0*wrka1(i,j) endif c c Write output fields c write (22,879) ((z(i,j),i=1,lcy),j=1,m) write (6,1000) u(1,1),u(l,m) write (6,1001) v(1,1),v(l,m) write (6,1003) z(1,1),z(l,m) write (6,1002) endif stop end subroutine ZFIELDMOD (psi,upsi,vpsi,l, m, dx, dy, & cor,a2,z,fk1,fk2,zbar,beta) c c This subroutine computes the height field from the c streamfunction field by solving the reverse balance c equation. three scaled version of the reverse c balance equation are possible. these are controlled c by the argument variables, fk1 and fk2. for, c fk1 = 0 fk2 = 0 we have geostrophic zfield, c fk1 = 1 fk2 = 0 we have linear balance zfield, c fk1 = 1 fk2 = 1 we have non-linear balance zfield. c other combinations are not allowed. c Note that this subroutine is similar in principles c to subroutine ZFIELD where the cyclicity condition has c been added . c c Definitions : c c psi(l,m) : streamfunction field. c upsi(l,m) : rotational u component field. c vpsi(l,m) : rotational v component field. c l : number of grid points in the zonal c direction. c m : number of grid points in the meridional c direction. c dx(m) : grid size in meters for each row of grid c points in the zonal direction. c dy : grid size in meters in the meridional c direction. c cor(m) : Coriolis parameter. c a2(l,m) : contains the forcing function field of c the balance equation . c z(l,m) : height field. c fk1,fk2 : control integers. function as explained c above. c zbar : mean free surface height. c beta : beta plane parameter (=df/dy). c real z(l,m),psi(l,m),dx(m),zinv(100), z1(100) real vpsi(l,m), upsi(l,m), a2(l,m), cor(m) c l1 = l-1 l2 = l-2 m1 = m-1 m2 = m-2 ladd = 6 ginv = 1.0/9.81 do 10190 j= 1, m z1(j) = dx(j)**2 10190 zinv(j) = 1./z1(j) zz = dy**2 zzinv = 1./zz sum = 0. do 10191 i= 1, l do 10191 j= 1, m sum = sum+psi(i,j) 10191 continue psibar = sum/(l*m) c do 10192 j= 2, m1 do 10192 i= 1, l im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 if ( im1 = l1 if ( ip1 = 2 vpsi(i,j) = (psi(ip1,j) - psi(im1,j))/(2.0*dx(j)) upsi(i,j) = -(psi(i,j+1)*dx(j)/dx(j+1) - & psi(i,j-1)*dx(j)/dx(j-1))/(2.*dy) 10192 continue call LAPMOD (z ,psi,dx,dy,l,m,1,l1,m1,l2,m2,ladd) call JACMOD (a2,upsi,vpsi,dx,dy,l,m,1,l1,m1,l2,m2,ladd) do 10193 i= 1, l do 10193 j= 2, m1 betau = upsi(i,j)*beta fvort = cor(j)*z (i,j) a2(i,j) = fvort*ginv-betau*ginv*fk1+2.*a2(i,j)*ginv*fk2 10193 continue do 10194 i= 1, l a2(i,1) = 0. a2(i,m) = 0. 10194 continue do 10195 j= 1, m do 10195 i= 1, l1 z(i,j) = zbar + cor(j)*ginv*(psi(i,j) - psibar) 10195 continue do 10196 j= 1, m 10196 z(l,j) = z(1,j) call RELAXMOD (z,zzinv,z1,a2 ,zinv,l,l1,m1,m,0) return end subroutine CONST (m,dx,dy,cor,beta,slat,dphi) c c This subroutine defines the constants and c parameters required by program INFIELD . users of c this program need only to modify the parameter c statement in program INFIELD and this subroutine c to their requirements. c c Definitions : c c m : number of grid points in the meridional c direction. c dx(m) : grid size in meters for each row of c grid points in the zonal direction. c dy : grid size in meters for the meridional c direction. c cor(m) : Coriolis parameter for each row of grid c points. c beta : beta plane parameter (=df/dy). c c omega : earth rotation (rad/s) c er : earth radius (m ) c real cor(m),dx(m) dphi = 2.5 slat = 0.0 anlat = slat+(m-1)*dphi omega = 7.292e-05 er = 6.37122e06 pi = 4.0*atan(1.0) rad = pi/180. dy = dphi*111.1*1000.0 phi = slat do 10120 j= 1, m dx(j) = dy*cos(phi*rad) cor(j) = 2.0*omega*sin(phi*rad) phi = phi+dphi 10120 continue the = (slat+anlat)/2.0 beta = 2.0*omega*cos(the*rad)/er return end subroutine STREAMF (u,v,ld,l,ll,m,dy,dx,a,psi) c c This subroutine computes the streamfunction field, c psi, from the equation, delsquared psi = relative c vorticity , given the horizontal components of the c wind field.The sequential over-relaxation method is c used . The boundary conditions imposed for the c numerical solution of the equation consist of c specifying no net mass flux out of the domain. c c Definitions : c c u(ld,m) : zonal wind component field. c v(ld,m) : meridional wind component field. c ld : first dimension of arrays u, v, a and c psi. if u, v input data is cyclic in c the zonal direction, set ld=l, if it is c not cyclic, set ld=ll. c l : number of grid points in the zonal c direction including the grid points c added to make domain cyclic in the zonal c direction. c ll : number of grid points in the zonal c direction excluding the grid points c added to make domain cyclic . c m : number of grid points added in the c meridional direction. c dy : grid size in meters in the meridional c direction. c dx(m) : grid size in meters in the zonal c direction for each row of grid points. c a(ld,m) : relative vorticity field. c psi(ld,m) : streamfunction field. c real u(ld,m),v(ld,m),psi(ld,m),a(ld,m),dx(m) real dxsq(100), dxsqinv(100) data nsbd/999/ l1 = l-1 m1 = m-1 l2 = l-2 m2 = m-2 ll1 = ll-1 lcyc = l-ll dysq = dy*dy dysqinv = 1./dysq do 10170 j= 1, m dxsq(j) = dx(j)*dx(j) dxsqinv(j)= 1./dxsq(j) 10170 continue c c Compute the relative vorticity from the u and v field. c do 10171 i= 1, ld do 10171 j= 1, m psi(i,j) = 0. 10171 continue do 10173 j= 2, m1 do 10172 i= 2, ld-1 10172 a(i,j) = (v(i+1,j) - v(i-1,j))/(2.*dx(j)) & -(u(i,j+1) - u(i,j-1))/(2.*dy) a(1,j) = (v(2,j) - v(ld,j))/(2.*dx(j)) & -(u(1,j+1)-u(1,j-1))/(2.*dy) a(ll,j) = a(1,j) 10173 continue c c Adjusted the normal outward component of the wind field c to yield zero outward net mass flux. c if (lcyc.eq.0) then vno1 = (v(1,m)+v(l,m))*dx(m)/2. uno1 = (abs(v(1,m))+abs(v(l,m)))*dx(m)/2. do 10174 i= 2, l1 uno1 = uno1 + abs(v(i,m))*dx(m) vno1 = vno1 + v(i,m)*dx(m) 10174 continue vno2 = -(v(1,1) + v(l,1))*dx(1)/2. uno2 = (abs(v(1,1)) + abs(v(l,1)))*dx(1)/2. do 10175 i= 2, l1 vno2 = vno2 - v(i,1)*dx(1) uno2 = uno2 + abs(v(i,1))*dx(1) 10175 continue eps1 = vno1/uno1 eps2 = vno2/uno2 do 10176 i= 1, l v(i,1) = v(i,1) + eps2*abs(v(i,1)) v(i,m) = v(i,m) - eps1*abs(v(i,m)) 10176 continue else vno = v(1,m)*dx(m)/2. + v(ll,m)*dx(m)/2. uno = abs(v(1,m))*dx(m)/2. + abs(v(ll,m))*dx(m)/2. do 10177 i= 2, ll1 uno = uno + abs (v(i,m))*dx(m) 10177 vno = vno + v(i,m)*dx(m) vno = vno + u(ll,m)*dy/2. + u(ll,1)*dy/2. uno = uno + abs(u(ll,m))*dy/2. + abs(u(ll,1))*dy/2. do 10178 j= 2, m1 uno = uno + abs(u(ll,j))*dy 10178 vno = vno + u(ll,j)*dy vno = vno - v(ll,1)*dx(1)/2. - v(1,1)*dx(1)/2. uno = uno + abs(v(ll,1))*dx(1)/2. + abs(v(1,1))*dx(1)/2. do 10179 i= 2, ll1 uno = uno + abs(v(i,1))*dx(1) 10179 vno = vno - v(i,1)*dx(1) vno = vno - u(1,1)*dy/2. - u(1,m)*dy/2. uno = uno + abs(u(1,1))*dy/2. + abs(u(1,m))*dy/2. do 10180 j= 2, m1 uno = uno + abs(u(1,j))*dy 10180 vno = vno - u(1,j)*dy eps = vno/uno do 10181 i= 1, ll v(i,1) = v(i,1) + eps*abs(v(i,1)) 10181 v(i,m) = v(i,m) - eps*abs(v(i,m)) do 10182 j= 1, m u(1,j) = u(1,j) + eps*abs(u(1,j)) 10182 u(ll,j) = u(ll,j) - eps*abs(u(ll,j)) endif c c Perform the sequential relaxation c psi(1,m) = 0. do 10183 i= 2, ll 10183 psi(i,m) = psi(i-1,m) + (v(i,m) + v(i-1,m))*dx(m)/2. do 10184 jj= 1, m1 j = m-jj 10184 psi(ll,j) = psi(ll,j+1) + (u(ll,j) + u(ll,j+1))*dy/2. do 10185 ii= 1, ld i = ld-ii+1 10185 psi(i,1) = psi(i+1,1) - (v(i,1) + v(i+1,1))*dx(1)/2. do 10186 j= 2, m1 10186 psi(1,j) = psi(1,j-1) - (u(1,j) + u(1,j-1))*dy/2. if (lcyc.eq.0) then lx = l x1 = l1 else lx = ll lx1 = ll1 endif call RELAXMOD (psi,dysqinv,dxsq,a,dxsqinv,lx,lx1,m1,m,1) return end subroutine TERR (h,l,m,del,slat,dhdy,dhdx,dx,hd) c c This subroutine computes zonal and meridional gradients c of the terrain fields .It outputs terrain (h),dhdx and c dhdy to tape23 for input to the shllow water model SILEPE . c real h(l,m),dhdy(l,m),dhdx(l,m),dx(m),hd(l,m) pi = 4.*atan(1.) rad = pi/180. dy = del*111.1*1000. do 10200 i= 1, m x = (slat+del*(i-1))*rad dx(i) = dy*cos(x) 10200 continue do 10201 j= 1, m do 10201 i= 1, l ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if (i.eq.l) ip1 = 1 if (i.eq.1) im1 = l dhdx(i,j) = (h(ip1,j)-h(im1,j))/(2.*dx(j)) 10201 continue do 10202 j= 1, m jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 if (j.eq.1) jm1 = 1 if (j.eq.m) jp1 = m dyy = 2.0*dy if (j.eq.1) dyy = dy if (j.eq.m) dyy = dy do 10202 i= 1, l dhdy(i,j) = (h(i,jp1)-h(i,jm1))/(dyy) 10202 continue rewind (23) write(23,1000) ((h(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) write(23,1000) ((dhdx(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) write(23,1000) ((dhdy(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) 1000 format(6e13.6) return end subroutine CYCLE (z,l,m,n) c c This subroutine is used for interpolating the c values over 6 grid points at the eastern boundary c to create a cyclic boundary in the zonal direction. c c Definitions : c c z(l,m,n) : array whose zonal values are to be c interpolated over 6 grid points to c create a cyclic boundary. c l : number of grid points in the zonal c direction. c m : number of grid points in the meridional c direction. c n : number of levels in the vertical. c real z(l,m,n) k = 1 m1 = m-1 l1 = l-1 l2 = l-2 l3 = l-3 l4 = l-4 l5 = l-5 l6 = l-6 l7 = l-7 l8 = l-8 do 10130 j= 1, m z(l,j,k) = z(1,j,k) z(l3,j,k) = (z(l6,j,k)+z(1,j,k))/2. z(l5,j,k) = (z(l3,j,k)+z(l6,j,k)*8.0-z(l7,j,k)*3.0)/6. z(l1,j,k) = (z(l3,j,k)+z(l,j,k)*8.0-z(2,j,k)*3.0)/6. z(l4,j,k) = (z(l6,j,k)*3.0+z(l3,j,k)*6.0-z(l1,j,k))/8.0 z(l2,j,k) = (z(l1,j,k)*3.0+z(l3,j,k)*6.0-z(l5,j,k))/8.0 10130 continue return end subroutine JACMOD (a,b,c,dx,dy,l,m,n,l1,m1,l2,m2,ladd) c c This subroutine computes the advective term, c the Jacobian of (psi, delsquared psi + f), c following Arakawa (1966). a nine-point stencil is c used . Note that this subroutine is similar in pri- c nciples to subroutine JAC ,but the cyclicity condi- c tion has been added . c c Defiitions : c c a(l,m,n) : this array contains the Jacobian of c psi and delsquared psi + f, where f is c the earth's vorticity. c c b(l,m,n) : the streamfunction field,psi. c c c(l,m,n) : the absolute vorticity or delsquared c (psi + f). c dx(m) : grid size in the zonal direction for c each row of grid points in meters. c dy : grid size in the meridional direction c in meters. c l : number of grid points in the zonal c direction. c m : number of grid points in the c meridional direction. c n : number of levels in the vertical. c l1 : l-1 c m1 : m-1 c l2 : l-2 c m2 : m-2 c ladd : number of grid points added to the c eastern boundary to make the domain c cyclic in the zonal direction. c real a(l,m,n), b(l,m,n), c(l,m,n), dx(m) k = 1 do 10140 j = 2, m1 dm = 12.*dx(j)*dy jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 do 10140 i = 1, l if (i-1)80,80,81 80 im1 = l1 ip1 = 2 go to 83 81 if(i-l)82,80,80 82 im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 83 continue a(i,j,k) =(b(i,j-1,k)+b(ip1,j-1,k)-b(i,j+1,k)-b(ip1,j+1,k)) & *(c(ip1,j,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(im1,j-1,k)+b(i,j-1,k)-b(im1,j+1,k & )-b(i,j+1,k))*(c(i,j,k)-c(im1,j,k))+(b(ip1,j,k)+b(ip1,j+1,k & )-b(im1,j,k)-b(im1,j+1,k))*(c(i,j+1,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(ip1,j-1 & ,k)+b(ip1,j,k)-b(im1,j-1,k)-b(im1,j,k))*(c(i,j,k)-c(i,j-1,k & ))+(b(ip1,j,k)-b(i,j+1,k))*(c(ip1,j+1,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(i,j-1 & ,k)-b(im1,j,k))*(c(i,j,k)-c(im1,j-1,k))+(b(i,j+1,k)-b(im1,j & ,k))*(c(im1,j+1,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(ip1,j,k)-b(i,j-1,k))*(c(i,j & ,k)-c(ip1,j-1,k)) c a(i,j,k) = a(i,j,k)/dm 10140 continue do 10141 i= 1, l if (i-1)70,70,71 70 im1 = l1 ip1 = 2 go to 73 71 if (i-l) 72,70,70 72 im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 73 continue c a(i,1,k) = (b(i,1,k)+b(ip1,1,k)-b(i,2,k)-b(ip1,2,k))*(c(i,1,k)+ & c(ip1,1,k))-(b(im1,1,k)+b(i,1,k)-b(im1,2,k)-b(i,2,k))*(c(im1 & ,1,k)+c(i,1,k))+(b(ip1,1,k)+b(ip1,2,k)-b(im1,1,k)-b(im1,2,k) & )*(c(i,1,k)+c(i,2,k))+(b(ip1,1,k)-b(i,2,k))*(c(i,1,k)+c(ip1, & 2,k))+(b(i,2,k)-b(im1,1,k))*(c(im1,2,k)+c(i,1,k)) c dm = 12.*dx(1)*dy a(i,1,k) = a(i,1,k)/dm a(i,m,k) = (b(i,m-1,k)+b(ip1,m-1,k)-b(i,m,k)-b(ip1,m,k))*(c(i,m, & k)+c(ip1,m,k))-(b(im1,m-1,k)+b(i,m-1,k)-b(im1,m,k)-b(i,m,k))* & (c(im1,m,k)+c(i,m,k))-(b(ip1,m-1,k)+b(ip1,m,k)-b(im1,m-1,k)-b & (im1,m,k))*(c(i,m-1,k)+c(i,m,k))-(b(i,m-1,k)-b(im1,m,k))*(c(i & m1,m-1,k)+c(i,m,k))-(b(ip1,m,k)-b(i,m-1,k))*(c(i,m,k)+c(ip1,m & -1,k)) c dm = 12.*dx(m)*dy a(i,m,k) = a(i,m,k)/dm 10141 continue c c The next do loop is for the non-cyclic case only. c if (ladd.eq.0) then do 10142 j = 1, m a(1,j,k) = a(2,j,k) a(l,j,k) = a(l1,j,k) 10142 continue endif return end subroutine LAPMOD (a,b,dx,dy,l,m,n,l1,m1,l2,m2,ladd) c c This subroutine LAP calculates the Laplacian of any c scalar field. the standard second order finite c differencing is used . two forms of boundary c conditions are included, one that is cyclic in c the zonal direction, and the other that is non c cyclic in the zonal direction. for the cyclic c case, the southern and northern boundary values are c formed by linear extrapolation outwards , while for c the non-cyclic case , the boundary values are formed c by extending the values one grid point outwards. c Note that this subroutine is similar in principles c to subroutine JAC ,but the cyclicity condition has be- c en added . c c Definitions : c c a(l,m,n) : Laplacian of b. for our purpose this c corresponds to the relative vorticity. c b(l,m,n) : any scalar field. for our purpose this c corresponds to the streamfunction field. c c dy : grid distance in meters in the c meridional direction. c l : number of grid points in the zonal c direction. c m : number of grid points in the meridional c direction. c n : number of vertical levels. c l1 : l-1 c m1 : m-1 c l2 : l-2 c m2 : m-2 c ladd : number of grid points added to the c eastern boundary to make the domain c cyclic in the zonal direction. c real a(l,m,n), b(l,m,n), dx(m) k = 1 do 10150 j= 2, m1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 do 10150 i= 2, l1 10150 a(i,j,k) = ((b(i+1,j,k)+b(i-1,j,k)-2.*b(i,j,k))/dx(j)**2 & +(b(i,jp1,k)+b(i,jm1,k)-2.*b(i,j,k))/dy**2) do 10151 j= 2, m1 a(1,j,k) = ((b(2,j,k)+b(l1,j,k)-2.*b(1,j,k))/dx(j)**2 & +(b(1,j+1,k)+b(1,j-1,k)-2.*b(1,j,k))/dy**2) 10151 a(l,j,k) = a(1,j,k) c c Subroutine BOUND is used to set the southern c and northern boundary conditions. c call BOUND (a,l,m,n,l1,m1,m2,ladd) c c The next do loop is for non-cyclic case only. c if (ladd.eq.0) then do 10152 j = 1, m a(1,j,k) = a(2,j,k) 10152 a(l ,j,k) = a(l1,j,k) endif return end subroutine RELAXMOD (x,zzinv,z,y,zinv,l,l1,m1,m,lcycle) c c This subroutine solves the poisson's equation, c delsquared x(i,j) = y(i,j), using a successive c approximation method. the sequential overrelaxation c method is used. in program "infield", this routine c is used to obtain the height filed from the reverse c balance laws. except for some of the values of the c constants, this subroutine is similar to subroutine c RELAXT in program (BARO). c Note that this subroutine is similar in principles c to subroutine RELAX where the cyclicity condition has c been added . c c Definitions : c c x(l,m) : height field. c zzinv : 1/(dy**2), where dy is the grid size in c meters in the meridional direction. c z(m) : dx(j)**2, where dx(j) is the grid size c in meters for each row of grid points in c the zonal direction. c y(l,m) : forcing function field. c zinv(m) : 1/z(j) where j=1...(1)...m. c l : number of grid points in the zonal c direction. c l1 : l-1 c m : number of grid points in the meridional c direction. c m1 : m-1 c lcycle : control integer indicating which domain c in the zonal direction to perform c relaxation on. if lcycle=1, relaxation c is performed for the domain, i=2...l1, c j=2...m1; if lcycle=other integers, c relaxation is performed for the domain, c i=1...l, j=2...m1. c real x(l,m),y(l,m),z(m),zinv(m) npts = l*(m-2) if (lcycle.eq.1) npts = (l-2)*(m-2) mm = 2 mmm = m1 alfa =.46 ia = 1000 eps = 1. nsc = 0 lsc = -1 lcyc1 = 1 lcyc2 = l if (lcycle.eq.1) then lcyc1 = 2 lcyc2 = l1 endif do 10160 j= 2, m1 do 10160 i= 2, l1 10160 x(i,j) = 0.0 15 nrel = 0 l1 = l-1 do 10161 j= mm, mmm jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 do 10161 i= lcyc1, lcyc2 im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 if ( im1 = l1 if ( ip1 = 2 r = (x(ip1,j) + x(im1,j) - 2.*x(i,j))*zinv(j) & + (x(i,jp1) + x(i,jm1) - 2.*x(i,j))*zzinv r = (r-y(i,j))*z(j) if (lsc-nsc) 29,29,30 29 x(i,j) = x(i,j) + alfa*r 30 if (abs(r).le.eps) nrel = nrel+1 10161 continue nsc = nsc+1 if (nrel-npts) 13,14,14 14 if (lsc .ge. nsc) go to 300 18 lsc = nsc+1 13 if ( go to 15 300 continue write (6,1000) write (6,1001)npts,nrel,nsc,ia 1000 format(20x,'progress of relaxation ntps nrel nsc ia') 1001 format(6x,4i9) return end subroutine BOUND (a,l,m,n,l1,m1,m2,ladd) c c This subroutine is used to obtain the southern c and northern boundary values by extrapolation. for c domain that is cyclic in the zonal direction, the c values are extrapolated linearly outwards . for c domain that have zonal boundary values formed by c extending the values 1 grid point outwards, a c similar extension is done here for the southern and c northern boundary values. c c Definitions : c a(l,m,n) : variable whose southern and northern c boundary values have to be obtained by c extrapolation. c l : number of grid points in the zonal c direction. c m : number of grid points in the meridional c direction. c n : number of levels in the vertical. c l1 : l-1 c m1 : m-1 c m2 : m-2 c ladd : number of grid points added to the c eastern boundary to make the domain c cyclic in the zonal direction. c real a(l,m,n) k = 1 c do 10110 i= 1, l a(i,1,k) = 2.*a(i,2,k)-a(i,3,k) a(i,m,k) = 2.*a(i,m1,k)-a(i,m2,k) 10110 continue c c The following loop is for the non-cyclic case only. c if (ladd.eq.0) then do 10111 i= 1, l a(i,1,k) = a(i,2,k) 10111 a(i,m,k) = a(l1,m1,k) endif return end