program LAPLACIAN c c this program computes the laplacian using the five-point second c order,nine-point second order and the iterated nine-point fourth c order laplacian also computes the root mean square er c -rors and compares the accuracy of the different schemes to the a c -nalytical solution. c parameter (l=10,m=20) c c declare variables and defines some constants. c real psi(l,m),zta(l,m),a(l,m) real b (l,m),c(l,m),x(l),y(m) pi = 4.*atan(1.0) h = 200. yk = 2.*pi/1000. yl = pi / 1000. c x(1) = 0. y(1) = 0. do 2200 i = 2, l im1 = i-1 do 2200 j = 2, m jm1 = j-1 x(i) = x(im1) + h y(j) = y(jm1) + h 2200 continue sum = 0. c c construct the stramfunction(psi) psi = sin (kx)*sin(ly)+ cos(ly) c and the vorticity (zta) as zta = d2(psi)/dx2 + d2(psi)/dy2 c do 2202 i = 1, l do 2202 j = 1, m psi(i,j) = sin(yk*x(i)) * sin(yl*y(j)) + cos(yl*y(j)) zta(i,j) = -(yk**2+yl**2)*sin(yk*x(i)) * sin(yl*y(j)) & -yl**2 * cos(yl*y(j)) a(1,j) = zta(1,j) a(l,j) = zta(l,j) a(i,1) = zta(i,1) a(i,m) = zta(i,m) sum = sum + (zta(i,j) / (l*m))**2 2202 continue su = sqrt( sum ) n = 1 25 go to ( 30,40,50,60 ) n 30 write(6,1000) c c compute the 9 pts 4th order. c call LAP94 (psi,a,b,c,h,l,m) c go to 70 40 write(6,1001) c c compute the 9 pts 2th order. c call LAP92 (psi,a,h,l,m) c go to 70 50 write(6,1002) c c compute the 5 pts 2th order. c call LAP52 (psi,a,h,l,m) c 70 continue dif = 0. do 2204 i = 1, l do 2204 j = 1, m dif = dif + ((zta(i,j) - a(i,j)) / (l*m))**2 2204 continue dif = sqrt(dif) sum = (dif / su ) * 100 write(6,1003) dif, sum c c output display for one colone. c write(6,1004) ((i,j,zta(i,j),a(i,j),i=1,l), j=4,4) n = n + 1 go to 25 60 continue 1000 format(//,20x,'nine points fourth order laplacian scheme.'//) 1001 format(//,20x,'nine points second order laplacian scheme.'//) 1002 format(//,20x,'five points second order laplacian scheme.'//) 1003 format(9x, 'rms error = ',e13.7,8x, 'rms error/rms zta = ', &e9.3,1x, 'percent.'//,2x,'i j',5x, 'analytical sol',1x,'estimated & sol.',2x,'i j',5x, 'analytical sol',1x,'estimated sol',/) 1004 format( 2(2i3,4x,2e15.8) ) stop end subroutine LAP52 (psi,a,h,l,m) c c This subroutine computes the second order c Laplacian using five-point stencil. c c input : psi c output : a is the Laplacian of psi using a c nine point second order scheme. c h : grid distance in both x-and y-directions c l,m : first and second dimension of psi. c real psi(l,m), a(l,m) l1 = l-1 m1 = m-1 do 2230 i = 2, l1 do 2230 j = 2, m1 ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 a(i,j) = (psi(ip1,j)+psi(im1,j)+psi(i,jp1)+psi(i,jm1) & - 4. * psi(i,j)) / h**2 2230 continue return end subroutine LAP92 (psi,a,h,l,m) c c This subroutine computes the second order c Laplacian using a nine-point stencil. c c input : psi c output : a is the Laplacian of psi using a c nine point second order scheme. c h : grid distance in both x-and y-directions c l,m : first and second dimension of psi. c real psi(l,m), a(l,m) l1 = l-1 m1 = m-1 do 2220 i = 2, l1 do 2220 j = 2, m1 ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 a(i,j) = (psi(ip1,jp1)+psi(ip1,jm1)+psi(im1,jp1)+ & psi(im1,jm1)+4.*(psi(ip1,j)+psi(im1,j)+psi(i,jp1)+ & psi(i,jm1))-20.*psi(i,j)) / (6.*h**2) 2220 continue return end subroutine LAP94 (psi,a,b,c,h,l,m) c c This subroutine computes the itterated c 9 points fourth order Laplacian. c c input : psi c output : a is the Laplacian of psi using a c nine point fourth order scheme. c b,c : working arrays . c h : grid distance in both x-and y-directions c l,m : first and second dimension of psi. c real psi(l,m), a(l,m), b(l,m), c(l,m) del2(x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,d) = (x1+x2+x3+x4+4.* & (x5+x6+x7+x8)-20.*x0) / (6.*d**2) k = 0 n = 1 m1 = m-1 m2 = m-2 l1 = l-1 l2 = l-2 dmax = 1. eps = 1.e-02 su = 0. do 2210 i = 2, l1 ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 do 2210 j = 2, m1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 a(i,j) = del2(psi(i,j),psi(ip1,jp1),psi(im1,jp1), & psi(ip1,jm1),psi(im1,jm1),psi(i,jp1),psi(i,jm1), & psi(ip1,j),psi(im1,j),h) b(i,j) = a(i,j) su = su + abs(a(i,j)) / (l*m) 2210 continue 30 if( n .eq. 0 ) go to 70 k = k + 1 dif = 0. c c calculate del4 and iterate c do 2211 i = 2, l1 ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 do 2211 j = 2, m1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 c(i,j) = del2(a(i,j),a(ip1,jp1),a(im1,jp1),a(ip1,jm1), & a(im1,jm1),a(i,jp1),a(i,jm1),a(ip1,j),a(im1,j),h) dif = dif+abs(c(i,j)*h**2 / 12.+a(i,j)-b(i,j))/(l*m) 2211 continue do 2212 i = 2, l1 do 2212 j = 2, m1 a(i,j) = b(i,j) - c(i,j) * h ** 2 / 12. 2212 continue dif = dif / su if ( dif .le. eps ) go to 70 if ( k .ge. 100 ) go to 60 if ( dif .gt. dmax ) go to 60 go to 30 60 write(6,100) 70 continue 100 format( ' the scheme does not converge. ' ) 300 format( 10x, 'k = ', i10, e30.13 ) return end