program L_C_L c c This program detemines the lifting condensation level c given surface parameters.the lcl is obtained by c raising a parcel of air from the surface to a level c where it reachs saturation.the technique used is c based on the conservation of moist static energy. c c definition of surface parameters (pressure,temperature c and specific humidity) c p0 = 1011.0 t0 = 296.0 q0 = 0.0170 c c Subroutine LCL determines the lcl. c call LCL (p0,t0,q0,plcl,zlcl,tlcl,qlcl,n) write (6,1000)n write (6,1001) write (6,1002)tlcl,plcl,zlcl,qlcl 1000 format(10x,'number of itterations = ',i5,/) 1001 format(6x,'tlcl',4x,'plcl',5x,'zlcl',4x,'qlcl',/) 1002 format(3x,3f8.1,f8.4) stop end subroutine LCL (p0,t0,q0,plcl,zlcl,tlcl,qlcl,n) c c This subroutine computes the level of condensation c starting from the top moving downwards with a small c increment in pressure change .It checks where saturation c occurs when the parcel is lifted along the dry adiabatic c lapse rate. At saturation q0 = qs at temperature ts c at the lcl level . The dry static energy is conserved . c dp = 1. n = 0 plcl = 300. 4 tlcl = t0*((plcl/1000.)**0.286) es = 6.11*exp(25.22*(1.-273.16/tlcl)) & *((273.16/tlcl)**5.33) qs = 0.622*es/(plcl-(0.379*es)) eps = q0 - qs if (eps.le.0.) go to 3 plcl = plcl+dp n = n+1 go to 4 3 zlcl = (1004./9.81)*(t0-tlcl) qlcl = qs return end