program NICKER c c This program simulates the evolution of a simple c cloud model as described by nickerson (1965). c The heat source is inserted at the bottom of the c atmosphere and the fluid is initially stratified c and at rest. c The thermal begins to ascent,and a vortex circulation c develops . The temperature within the thermal c increases due to heating and the thermal rises above the c heat source. The maximum temperature reaches a peak c then decreases when dissipation exceed buoyancy. c The potential temperature field resembles a thin c stemmed mushroom. c c Define variables. c c n : vertical dimension c m : horizontal dimension c dt : time step here dt=3 seconds c loopt : output interval equivalent to 2 minutes c loop : number of time steps. here max 200 = 10 minutes c gnu : eddy kinematic coefficient of heat and momentum c dx : grid spacing. 10 meters in horizontal and vertical c tneut : potential temperature of neutral environment c alpha : relaxation factor c eta : vorticity (per sec) c t : temperature excess (deg celcius) c psi : streamfunction c difu : eddy dissipation (m**2/sec) c parameter (l = 39, m = 61,n = 39) common d(61),tmap(39,61),wrk(39,61) common psi(39,61),eta(39,61,2),t(39,61,2),q(39,61), & arak(39,61),difu(39,61),u(39,61),w(39,61) c open(20,file='nicker.out',status='unknown') c 16 format(4x,'the number of scans required to obtained the', & 1x,'following stream function was ',i3,' in this time step') 17 format(4x,'excess potential temperature at & time= ',f5.1,' seconds') 18 format(4x,'stream function',10x,'elasped time= ',f5.1, & 'seconds') 19 format(4x,'vorticity',15x,'time=',f5.1) 20 format(4x,'vertical velocity',15x,'time',f5.1) 21 format(4x,'horizontal velocity',15x,'time=',f5.1) 25 format(4x,'the number of scans required for the first' & ,'relaxation in this time step was ',i3) 1001 format(/) write(6,1001) c c Define constants c n1 = n-1 m1 = m-1 n2 = n-2 m2 = m-2 dt = 3. loopt = 40 gnu = 0.5 dx = 10. e = dx tneut = 300. g = 9.81 pi = 4.0*atan(1.0) nold = 1 new = 2 alpha = 1.89 do 6600 i = 1, m 6600 d(i) = dx c c Initialize eta,phi(=t),psi,and q c call BASIC (eta(1,1,nold),t(1,1,nold),psi, & u,w,q,n,m,n1,m1,tneut) time = 0. do 6602 i = 1, l do 6602 j = 1, m 6602 wrk(i,j)= t(i,j,nold) c c Write output of initial state . c write (20,119) time write (20,120) wrk 119 format(f12.2) 120 format(6e13.6) do 6604 i = 1, 16 do 6604 j = 10, 30 t(i,j,nold) = t(i,j,nold)/tneut 6604 continue loop = 0 c c Begin new time loop c 999 continue if (loop.eq.200) go to 35 loop = loop+1 if (loop.eq.1) go to 1 nsave = nold nold = new new = nsave do 6606 j = 1, m do 6606 i = 1, n t(i,j,nold) = t(i,j,nold) 6606 continue 1 continue c c Define the heating as a function of time c do 6608 j = 9,13 do 6608 i = 1,17 qq = 4.e-03*cos(pi*(i-1)/32.)* & (cos(pi*((j-1)-10.)/4.))**2 q(i,j) = 2.0*qq/pi if ( q(i,j) = -2.0*qq/pi 6608 continue c c Compute initial estimate of eta from vorticity equation . c Routine Jac computes the horizantal advection of vorticity. c Routine LAPLAC computes the laplacian of the streamfunction . c call JAC (arak,psi,eta(1,1,nold),d,e,n,m,n1,m1,n2,m2) call LAPLAC (eta(1,1,nold),difu,dx,n,m,n1,m1) do 6610 i = 2, n1 do 6610 j = 2, m1 eta(i,j,new) = eta(i,j,nold)+dt*arak(i,j)+dt*gnu*difu(i,j) & -dt*g*(t(i+1,j,nold)-t(i-1,j,nold))/(2.*dx) 6610 continue do 6612 i = 1, n eta(i,1,new) = 0. eta(i,m,new) = 0. 6612 continue do 6614 j = 1, m eta(1,j,new) = 0. eta(n,j,new) = 0. 6614 continue c c Calculate initial estimate of phi from the c heat transfer equation . c call JAC (arak,psi,t(1,1,nold),d,e,n,m,n1,m1,n2,m2) call LAPLAC (t(1,1,nold),difu,dx,n,m,n1,m1) do 6616 i = 1, n do 6616 j = 1, m t(i,j,new) = t(i,j,nold)+dt*arak(i,j)+dt*q(i,j) & /tneut+dt*gnu*difu(i,j) 6616 continue c c Relax eta to get psi.Routine RELAX1 solves c the poisson equation . c call RELAX1 (psi,eta(1,1,new),n,m,nscan,alpha) c c The horizontal velocity and the vertical velocity c are defined from the streamfunction. c do 6618 i = 1, n do 6618 j = 1, m1 u(i,j) = (psi(i,j+1)-psi(i,j))/dx 6618 continue do 6620 j = 1, m do 6620 i = 1, n1 w(i,j) = -(psi(i+1,j)-psi(i,j))/dx 6620 continue c c Calculate final (corrector) estimates of eta and phi for this c time step from the predicted vorticity and temparature fields. c call JAC (arak,psi,eta(1,1,new),d,e,n,m,n1,m1,n2,m2) call LAPLAC (eta(1,1,new),difu,dx,n,m,n1,m1) do 6622 i = 2, n1 do 6622 j = 2, m1 eta(i,j,new) = eta(i,j,nold)+dt*arak(i,j)+dt*gnu*difu(i,j) & -dt*g*(t(i+1,j,new)-t(i-1,j,new))/(2.*dx) 6622 continue c c Relax final estimate of eta to get final psi c and consequently u and w fields. c call RELAX1 (psi,eta(1,1,new),n,m,nscan,alpha) do 6624 i = 1, n do 6626 j = 1, m1 u(i,j) = (psi(i,j+1)-psi(i,j))/dx 6626 continue 6624 continue do 6628 j = 1, m do 6628 i = 1, n1 w(i,j) = -(psi(i+1,j)-psi(i,j))/dx 6628 continue c c Compute final estimate of phi for this time step c call JAC (arak,psi,t(1,1,new),d,e,n,m,n1,m1,n2,m2) call LAPLAC (t(1,1,new),difu,dx,n,m,n1,m1) do 6630 i = 1, n do 6630 j = 1, m t(i,j,new) = t(i,j,nold)+dt*arak(i,j) & +dt*q(i,j)/tneut+dt*gnu*difu(i,j) 6630 continue c c Check if output is required. c loopt is the number time steps equivalent to 2 minutes c for output interval. the outputs can be displayed on the c screen by calling cloud with the fourth argument being 1. c time = time+dt if (mod(loop,loopt).ne.0) go to 999 write (6,16)nscan time = 3.0*loop write (6,17)time call CLOUD (t(1,1,new),n,m,0) do 6632 i = 1, n do 6632 j = 1, m tmap(i,j) = t(i,j,new)*tneut 6632 continue shditv = 0.1 do 6634 j = 1, m do 6634 i = 1, l 6634 wrk(i,j) = tmap(i,j) c c Write output of temperature anomaly c for each required time . c write (20,119)time write (20,120)wrk c write (6,18)time call CLOUD (psi,n,m,0) shditv = time/60. c c Write output of streamfunctions c for each required time . c write (20,119)time write (20,120)psi write (6,19)time call CLOUD (eta(1,1,new),n,m,0) shditv = time/30000. write (6,20)time do 6636 j = 1, m w(n,j) = w(n1,j) 6636 continue call CLOUD (w,n,m,0) shditv = time/1200. write (6,21)time do 6638 i = 1, n u(i,m) = u(i,m1) 6638 continue call CLOUD (u,n,m,0) if (loop.eq.300) go to 35 go to 999 35 continue stop end subroutine BASIC (eta,t,psi,u,w,q,n,m,n1,m1,tneut) c c This subroutine defines the initial state of the problem for c the stream function, vorticity, excess potential temperature, c and the time invariant heating function. c The boundary conditions used are those for freeslip, insulated c surfaces. c hort vel = 0. at x = 0 and x = 380 c vert vel = 0. at z = 0 and z = 600 c initially u = w = psi = eta = 0. c The temperature excess defined in the x-dir from 0 to 160m c and in the z-direction from 100m to 300 m. Everywhere else c is set to zero .The heating field is defined in x-dir from c 0 to 160 m and in z-dir from 80 to 120 m .It is set to 0 c elsewhere. c real eta(n,m),t(n,m),psi(n,m),q(n,m),u(n,m),w(n,m) do 6610 i = 1, n do 6610 j = 1, m psi(i,j) = 0. eta(i,j) = 0. t(i,j) = 0. q(i,j) = 0. u(i,j) = 0. w(i,j) = 0. 6610 continue pi = 4.0*atan(1.) c c The thermal having a maximum potential temperature c excess of 0.5 deg celcius is inserted into a c neutral environment initially rest. c do 6611 i = 1, 17 do 6611 j = 11, 31 t(i,j) = 0.5*cos(pi*(i-1)/32.)*(cos & (pi*((j-1)-10.)/40.))**2 6611 continue do 6612 i = 1, 17 t(i,10)= t(i,11) 6612 continue c c The non-adiabatic heating (deg /sec) is defined as: c do 6613 i = 1, 17 do 6613 j = 9, 13 q(i,j) = 4.e-03*cos(pi*(i-1)/32.)* & (cos(pi*((j-1)-10.)/4.))**2 6613 continue return end subroutine CLOUD (rt,n,m,index) c c This subroutine prints out the results. c index = 1 for printing c index = 0 no printing c dimension rt (n,m),rag (39,61) 20 format(5x,10i11) 21 format(i10,10e11.3) const=1./10000000. do 6630 i = 1, n do 6630 j = 1, m rag(i,j)= rt(i,j) 6630 continue do 6631 k = 1, n, 10 ik = k k1 = k+9 if ( k1 = n if (index.eq.1) print 20,(i,i=k,k1) do 6632 j = 1, m j1 = 62-j do 6633 i = ik,k1 if (abs(rag(i,j1)).lt.const) rag(i,j1)=0. 6633 continue if (index.eq.1) print 21,j1,(rag(i,j1),i=ik,k1) 6632 continue 6631 continue return end subroutine JAC (a,b,c,dx,dy,l,m,l1,m1,l2,m2) c c This subroutine performs the so-called Arakawa c Jacobian .This scheme satisfies the integral c relations of invariance for the total kinetic c energy and the mean square vorticity. c The following code uses a nine-point c second order Arakawa Jacobian. c c variable definitions c c input : b and c c output : a c dx : east - west grid distance. c dy : north-south grid distance. c l,m : first and second dimension of a,b,c c real a(l,m,1), b(l,m,1), dx(m), c(l,m,1) k = 1 do 2310 j = 2, m1 dm = 12.*dy*dx(j) do 2310 i = 1, l if (i-1) 80,80,81 80 im1 = l1 ip1 = 2 go to 83 81 if (i-l) 82,80,80 82 im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 83 continue c a(i,j,k) = (b(i,j-1,k)+b(ip1,j-1,k)-b(i,j+1,k)-b(ip1,j+1,k)) & *(c(ip1,j,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(im1,j-1,k)+b(i,j-1,k)-b(im1,j+1,k & )-b(i,j+1,k))*(c(i,j,k)-c(im1,j,k))+(b(ip1,j,k)+b(ip1,j+1,k & )-b(im1,j,k)-b(im1,j+1,k))*(c(i,j+1,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(ip1,j-1 & ,k)+b(ip1,j,k)-b(im1,j-1,k)-b(im1,j,k))*(c(i,j,k)-c(i,j-1,k & ))+(b(ip1,j,k)-b(i,j+1,k))*(c(ip1,j+1,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(i,j-1 & ,k)-b(im1,j,k))*(c(i,j,k)-c(im1,j-1,k))+(b(i,j+1,k)-b(im1,j & ,k))*(c(im1,j+1,k)-c(i,j,k))+(b(ip1,j,k)-b(i,j-1,k))*(c(i,j & ,k)-c(ip1,j-1,k)) c a(i,j,k) = a(i,j,k)/dm 2310 continue do 2311 i = 1, l if (i-1) 70,70,71 70 im1 = l1 ip1 = 2 go to 73 71 if (i-l) 72,70,70 72 im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 73 continue dm = 12.*dy*dx(1) c a(i,1,k) = (b(i,1,k)+b(ip1,1,k)-b(i,2,k)-b(ip1,2,k))*(c(i,1,k)+ & c(ip1,1,k))-(b(im1,1,k)+b(i,1,k)-b(im1,2,k)-b(i,2,k))*(c(im1 & ,1,k)+c(i,1,k))+(b(ip1,1,k)+b(ip1,2,k)-b(im1,1,k)-b(im1,2,k) & )*(c(i,1,k)+c(i,2,k))+(b(ip1,1,k)-b(i,2,k))*(c(i,1,k)+c(ip1, & 2,k))+(b(i,2,k)-b(im1,1,k))*(c(im1,2,k)+c(i,1,k)) c a(i,1,k) = a(i,1,k)/dm dm = 12.*dy*dx(m) c a(i,m,k) = (b(i,m-1,k)+b(ip1,m-1,k)-b(i,m,k)-b(ip1,m,k))*(c(i,m, & k)+c(ip1,m,k))-(b(im1,m-1,k)+b(i,m-1,k)-b(im1,m,k)-b(i,m,k))* & (c(im1,m,k)+c(i,m,k))-(b(ip1,m-1,k)+b(ip1,m,k)-b(im1,m-1,k)-b & (im1,m,k))*(c(i,m-1,k)+c(i,m,k))-(b(i,m-1,k)-b(im1,m,k))*(c(i & m1,m-1,k)+c(i,m,k))-(b(ip1,m,k)-b(i,m-1,k))*(c(i,m,k)+c(ip1,m & -1,k)) c a(i,m,k) = a(i,m,k)/dm 2311 continue return end subroutine LAPLAC (t,difu,dx,n,m,n1,m1) c c This subroutine calculates the Laplacian operator c of array t.It uses the 5 point second order scheme c as defined in Chapt.2 but has special treatment of c boundaries. c real t(n,m), difu(n,m) da = dx*dx c c interior points c do 6640 i = 2, n1 do 6640 j = 2, m1 difu(i,j) = (t(i,j+1)+t(i,j-1)+t(i+1,j)+t(i-1,j)-4.*t(i,j))/da 6640 continue c c side boundaries c do 6641 j = 2, m1 difu(1,j) = (2.*t(2,j)+t(1,j+1)+t(1,j-1)-4.*t(1,j))/da difu(n,j) = (2.*t(n1,j)+t(n,j+1)+t(n,j-1)-4.*t(n,j))/da 6641 continue c c top and bottom boundaries c do 6642 i = 2, n1 difu(i,1) = (2.*t(i,2)+t(i-1,1)+t(i+1,1)-4.*t(i,1))/da difu(i,m) = (2.*t(i,m1)+t(i-1,m)+t(i+1,m)-4.*t(i,m))/da 6642 continue db = 2./da c c four corners c difu(1,1) = db*(t(1,2)+t(2,1)-2.*t(1,1)) difu(1,m) = db*(t(1,m1)+t(2,m)-2.*t(1,m)) difu(n,m) = db*(t(n1,m)+t(n,m1)-2.*t(n,m)) difu(n,1) = db*(t(n1,1)+t(n,2)-2.*t(n,1)) return end subroutine RELAX1(psi,eta,n,m,nscan,alpha) c c This subroutine solves the poisson equation to c obtain the streamfunctions . c eps is the tolerance error in streamfunction(e-03) c nscan is the maximum iteration (300) and c r is the residual value . c real psi(n,m),eta(n,m) eps = 1.e-03 dx = 10. nscan = 0 n1 = n-1 m1 = m-1 89 continue nscan = nscan+1 rmax = 0. do 6620 i = 2, n1 do 6620 j = 2, m1 r1 = .25*(psi(i+1,j)+psi(i-1,j)+psi(i,j+1)+psi(i,j-1)) r2 = -psi(i,j)-.25*dx**2*eta(i,j) r = r1+r2 if ( go to 90 go to 91 90 isave = i jsave = j rmax = abs(r) 91 continue psi(i,j) = psi(i,j)+alpha*r 6620 continue if (nscan.eq.300) print 95 95 format(1x,'no convergence achieved') if(nscan.eq.300)stop ps = abs(psi(isave,jsave)) if (rmax/ps-eps) 83,89,89 83 continue return end