program RADIA c c This program estimates the longwave and shotwave c radiative fluxes using the emissivity method . c CAUTION : On some machines this program needs c to be compiled with an option that initialize all c unitialized variables to zero.For most compilers c this procedure is the default . With Unix operating c system that option is : c f77 -K filename.f c parameter ( nk =1 2) parameter ( hz = 12.,day = 20,month = 12) parameter (ilevv = 12,ilev2v = ilevv+2) real irtop dimension t(nk),q(nk),sh(nk),s(nk),declsc(2) dimension rtrter(nk),rtrsol(nk) common/wetc/eps,ae(2),be(2),ht(2),tc common/rrr/ fup(ilev2v,8),fdw(ilev2v,8),rw(ilev2v) &,fx(ilev2v),tl(ilev2v),aso(ilev2v,8),rso(ilev2v,8) &,albc(8),rsa,secz,coe(8),dtc(ilev2v,8),fnet(ilev2v,8) &,cld(ilev2v,8),rhx(ilevv),dp(ilevv),qz(ilevv),p(ilev2v) &,tz(ilevv),dpz(ilev2v),qs(ilevv),sso(8),dtw(ilev2v,8) c c Define the logical switches for radiation calls. c logical swc,swr data swr,swc /.true.,.true./ c c Define the grid distance in the x and y directions c and some other required constants. c data dphi,dlambda,stebol /5.5376,5.625,5.6678e-8 / c c Calculation are done on sigma levels . c sigma = p/ps . c data s /.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.85,.9,.95,.99/ c pi = 3.14159 picon = pi/180. c c Open output file c open (20,file='radia.out',status='unknown') c c Define temperature ,specific humidity for the c vertical column. c data t/220.16,218.06,223.71,235.78,247.31,256.73, & 264.38,269.16,271.98,274.71,277.10,278.41/ c data q/ 4.0412000e-05,1.7426601e-05,2.6705300e-05 & ,9.5105803e-05,2.6963701e-04,6.8341498e-04 & ,1.6110500e-03,2.1570900e-03,2.3708199e-03 & ,2.5780201e-03,2.9228700e-03,3.2207901e-03/ c c Define surface parameters. These variables are explained c in SIMFLX . c data ts,ps /278.96,88230.5/ data rlong,sinlat,coslat,albedo/0.00,0.587,0.810,8.05e-02/ data vent/178.22/ c c Compute declination angle from day and month c call CONRAD (declsc,day,month) c c Compute intermediate sigma levels (sh) c do 9100 k = 1, nk-1 sh(k) = sqrt ( s(k)*s(k+1) ) 9100 continue sh(nk) = sqrt ( s(nk) ) c c Compute Corilis parameter c f = 2.*7.29e-05*sinlat c c Define moisture constants c call WETCNS c c Define the grid point position (not necessary for column model) c ic = 6 jc = 7 c c Call radiation routine c call RAD (rtrsol,rtrter,flxvis,flxiri,ts,t,q,ps,sh,nk, & rlong,sinlat,coslat,s,hz,albedo,vent,declsc, & swr,swc,irtop,ic,jc) c c Write output of shortwave and longwave heating at surface(Watt/m2) c and vertical profiles of the shortwave and longwave fluxes(deg/day) c fact = 86400. 1000 format(2x,2f12.4) print *,flxvis,flxiri do 9102 k = 1, nk write(20,1000)rtrsol(k)*fact,rtrter(k)*fact 9102 continue stop end subroutine WETCNS c c This subroutine computes latent heat c of evaporation with respect to water c and ice . c common /wet/eps,ae(2),be(2),ht(2),tc data cp,elv,eli/1004.5,2.500e+6,2.834e+6/ data eps,e0,t0,rgocp/.622,610.71,273.,.286/ tc = 263. ht(1) = elv/cp ht(2) = eli / cp do 8110 i = 1, 2 be(i) = eps * ht(i) / rgocp 8110 ae(i) = be(i) / t0 + alog(e0) return end subroutine RAD (warm,cool,fsg,flg,tg,t,q,ps,sh,nk, & rlong,sinl,cosl,s,hz,albedo,vent,declsc, & swr,swc,irtop,ic,jc) c c This subroutine computes the shortwave and longwave c radiation . c parameter (ilgv = 17,ilatv = 10,ilevv = 12) parameter (ilev2v = ilevv+2) logical swr,swc real irtop(ilgv,ilatv) real t(nk),q(nk),sh(nk),declsc(2),pz(ilevv),albsc(8) & ,s(nk),warm(nk),cool(nk) common /rrr/fup(ilev2v,8),fdw(ilev2v,8),rw(ilev2v) & ,f(ilev2v),tl(ilev2v),aso(ilev2v,8),rso(ilev2v,8) & ,albc(8),rsa,secz,coe(8),dtc(ilev2v,8),fnet(ilev2v,8) & ,cld(ilev2v,8),rh(ilevv),dp(ilevv),qz(ilevv),p(ilev2v) & ,tz(ilevv),dpz(ilev2v),qs(ilevv),sso(8),dtw(ilev2v,8) data pclb,pclt,pcmb,pcmt,pchb,pcht/900.,2*700., & 2*500.,300.0/ data albc /0.,2*0.5,0.6,0.5,0.46,0.5,0.46 / data albsc /0.,2*0.66,0.76,0.66,0.5,0.66,0.54/ data el,g,sigma,pi,cp /0.75,9.81,5.667e-8,3.1415927,1004.5 / data iclr,iccl,iclm,iclmh,iccm,icch,icmh,iclh /1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8/ data rhcl,rhcm,rhch /0.66,0.5,0.4/ c c rwtop and ttop represent rw and t at the top wind level c in this case, the top level is chosen as the 100 mb level c data rwtop,ttop /4.7e-5,190.0/ el = 0.0 do 9100 k = 1, nk do 9100 jr= 1, 8 cld(k,jr) = 1. 9100 continue do 9102 k = 1, nk warm(k)= 0. cool(k)= 0. 9102 continue if(.not.swr) return c c Define some onstants needed. rs is the solar constant c and is set to 1.997 . psurf is the surface pressure in c mks and is to be multiplied by .01 for mb units . c rs = 1.997*4.186e4/60. romega = 360./24. albc(1) = albedo np = nk+1 n1 = nk ginv = 1./g picon = pi/180. gam = g/cp psurf = ps*0.01 c c Invert the fields so that the surface is level 1 and c top is level is level nk . c do 9104 i = 1, nk k = nk-i+1 tz(k) = t(i) qz(k) = q(i) pz(k) = sh(i)*psurf p(k+1) = s(i)*psurf 9104 continue p(1) = psurf do 9106 i = 2, nk tl(i) = tz(i-1)+(tz(i)-tz(i-1))*(alog(p(i))- & alog(pz(i-1)))/(alog(pz(i))-alog(pz(i-1))) c dpz(i) = pz(i-1)-pz(i) dp(i-1) = p(i-1)-p(i) 9106 continue dpz(1) = p(1) - p(2) dpz(np) = pz(nk) - p(np) dp(nk) = p(nk)-p(np) ts = tz(1)+(tz(1)-tz(2))*(alog(psurf)- & alog(pz(1)))/(alog(pz(1))-alog(pz(2))) tl(1) = tg * (1. - el) + ts * el tl(np) = ttop rw(np) = rwtop f(np) = sigma*tl(np)**4 do 9108 ir= 1, nk k = nk-ir+1 rw(k) = rw(k+1)+qz(k)*dp(k)*10.*ginv*(pz(k)* & .001)**.85*(ts/tz(k))**0.5 f(k) = sigma*tz(k)**4 rqs = humspc(tz(k),tz(k),pz(k)*100.) rh(k) = qz(k)/rqs if (rh(k).lt.1.0) go to 9108 rh(k) = 1.0 qs(k) = rqs 9108 continue icl = 1 iclp = 1 icm = 1 icmp = 1 ich = 1 ichp = 1 cl = 0. cm = 0. ch = 0. if (.not.swc) go to 72 cloud base and top for all cloud types rhl = 0. rhm = 0. rhh = 0. icl = n1 icm = n1 ich = n1 iclp = 0 icmp = 0 ichp = 0 dpl = 0. dpm = 0. dph = 0. do 9110 i = 1, nk if( pz(i).le.pclb.and.pz(i).gt.pclt) goto 22 goto 23 22 if (rh(i).ge.rhcl) goto 25 goto 9110 25 icl = min0(i,icl) iclp = i+1 dpl = dpl + dp(i) rhl = rhl + rh(i) * dp(i) go to 9110 23 if (pz(i).le.pcmb .and. pz(i).gt. pcmt) goto 26 goto 27 26 if (rh(i).ge.rhcm) goto 28 goto 9110 28 icm = min0(i,icm) icmp = i+1 dpm = dpm + dp(i) rhm = rhm + rh(i) * dp(i) go to 9110 27 if (pz(i).le.pchb .and.pz(i).gt.pcht) goto 29 goto 9110 29 if (rh(i).ge.rhch) goto 31 goto 9110 31 ich = min0(i,ich) ichp = i+1 dph = dph + dp(i) rhh = rhh + rh(i) * dp(i) 9110 continue c print 515,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,ich,ichp 515 format(1x,'icl,iclp,icm,icmp,ich,ichp',6i5) c c Calculate cloud amount for 8 configurations c do 9112 jr= 1, 8 do 9112 k = 1, np 9112 cld(k,jr) = 1. if ( go to 50 cl = (rhl/dpl-rhcl)/(1.-rhcl) cl = cl*cl if ( cl = 1. iclp1 = iclp-1 do 9114 k = icl,iclp1 cld(k,8) = 0. do 9114 l = 2,4 cld(k,l) = 0. 9114 continue 50 if ( go to 60 cm = (rhm/dpm-rhcm)/(1.-rhcm) cm = cm*cm if ( cm = 1. icmp1 = icmp-1 do 9116 k = icm, icmp1 do 9116 l = 3, 7 if (,l) = 0. 9116 continue 60 if ( go to 70 ch = (rhh/dph-rhch)/(1.-rhch) ch = ch*ch ch = ch*0.4 if ( ch = 1. ichp1 = ichp-1 do 9118 k = ich,ichp1 do 9118 l = 4,8,2 cld(k,l) = 0. if(l.eq.6)cld(k,l+1) =0. 9118 continue 70 if (iclp .eq.0)icl = 1 if (iclp .eq.0)iclp = 1 if (icmp.eq.0) icm = 1 if (icmp.eq.0) icmp = 1 if (ichp.eq.0) ich = 1 if (ichp.eq.0) ichp = 1 c c Print low medium and high cloud fractions c c print 71,cl,cm,ch 71 format(1x,'cl,cm,ch',3f10.2) 72 cl1 = 1.0-cl cm1 = 1.0-cm ch1 = 1.0-ch clr = cl1*cm1*ch1 coe(1) = clr ccl = cl*cm1*ch1 coe(2) = ccl clm = cl*cm*ch1 coe(3) = clm clmh = cl*cm*ch coe(4) = clmh ccm = cm*cl1*ch1 coe(5) = ccm cch = ch*cm1*cl1 coe(6) = cch cmh = cm*ch*cl1 coe(7) = cmh clh = cl*ch*cm1 coe(8) = clh do 9120 k = 1, np do 9120 jr= 1, 8 fup(k,jr) = 0. fdw(k,jr) = 0. if ( dtc(k,jr) = 0.0 9120 continue c c Compute the downward flux of long wave radiation . c call RLW (iclr,nk,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,ich,ichp,0) if ( ) call RLW (iclr,nk,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) if ( ) call RLW (iccl,nk,icl,iclp,1,1,1,1,1) if ( ) call RLW (iclm,nk,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,1,1,1) if ( ) call RLW (iccm,nk,1,1,icm,icmp,1,1,1) if ( call RLW (iclmh,nk,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,ich,ichp,1) if ( ) call RLW (icch,nk,1,1,1,1,ich,ichp,1) if ( ) call RLW (icmh,nk,1,1,icm,icmp,ich,ichp,1) if ( ) call RLW (iclh,nk,icl,iclp,1,1,ich,ichp,1) c c Compute the downward long wave flux at surface (flg). c flg = 0. do 9122 jr= 1, 8 fdg = fdw(1,jr) if (fdg.eq.0.) fdg = sigma*ts**4 flg = flg + fdg*coe(jr) 9122 continue c c Compute the solar heating cosz is the cosine of the zenith angle c hz = hour,rlong = long in radians sinlat,coslat,sind,cosd from main prog sind = declsc(1) cosd = declsc(2) ang = hz*romega*picon+rlong-pi cosz = sind*sinl+cosd*cosl*cos(ang) if (cosz.le..01) cosz = 0.01 secz = 1./cosz rss = 0.651*rs*cosz rsa = 0.349*rs*cosz do 9124 k = 1, np do 9124 jr= 1, 8 if ( dtw(k,jr) = 0.0 aso(k,jr) = 0. rso(k,jr) = 0. 9124 continue if (cosz.le.0.01)go to 120 if ( )call SLR (iclr,nk,1,1,1,1,1,1,pz) if ( )call SLR (iccl,nk,icl,iclp,1,1,1,1,pz) if ( )call SLR (icch,nk,1,1,1,1,ich,ichp,pz) if ( )call SLR (iclm,nk,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,1,1,pz) if ( SLR (iclmh,nk,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,ich,ichp,pz) if ( )call SLR (iccm,nk,1,1,icm,icmp,1,1,pz) if ( )call SLR (icmh,nk,1,1,icm,icmp,ich,ichp,pz) if ( )call SLR (iclh,nk,icl,iclp,1,1,ich,ichp,pz) do 9126 jr= 1, 8 do 9126 k = 2, np dtw(k-1,jr)= gam*1.e-2/dp(k-1)*((aso(k,jr) & -aso(k-1,jr))+(rso(k-1,jr)-rso(k,jr))) 9126 continue 120 do 9130 k = 1, n1 ii = nk-k+1 warm(ii) = 0. do 9128 jr= 1, 8 warm(ii) = warm(ii)+dtw(k,jr)*coe(jr) 9128 continue 9130 continue fsga = 0. do 9132 jr= 1, 8 fsga = fsga +aso(1,jr)*coe(jr) 9132 continue resg = humspc(ts,ts,ps) c c Compute specific humidity at surface qsurf c assuming neutral mixed layer. c qss = qz(1) gw = 2.94*qss/resg-1.94 if ( ) gw = 0. if ( gw = 1. if (cosz.le..01) go to 135 albair = 0.085-0.245*alog10(cosz) if ( albair = 1. fsgs = 0. do 9134 jr= 1, 8 r1 = albsc(jr)*(1.-cld(icl ,jr)) r2 = albsc(jr)*(1.-cld(icm ,jr)) r3 = albsc(jr)*(1.-cld(ich ,jr)) r123 = 1.-(1.-r1)*(1.-r2)*(1.-r3)/(1. & -r1*r2-r2*r3-r3*r1+2.*r1*r2*r3) x = 1.-(1.-r123)*(1.-albair) sso(jr)= rss*(1.-x)/(1.-x*albedo) fsgs = fsgs+sso(jr)*coe(jr) 9134 continue fsg = fsgs+fsga 135 if (cosz.le..01) fsg = 0. c c Computation of upward flux of longwave radiation c if ( ) call RLW (iclr,nk,1,1,1,1,1,1,2) if ( ) call RLW (iccl,nk,icl,iclp,1,1,1,1,2) if ( ) call RLW (iclm,nk,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,1,1,2) if ( call RLW (iclmh,nk,icl,iclp,icm,icmp,ich,ichp,2) if ( ) call RLW (iccm,nk,1,1,icm,icmp,1,1,2) if ( ) call RLW (icmh,nk,1,1,icm,icmp,ich,ichp,2) if ( ) call RLW (icch,nk,1,1,1,1,ich,ichp,2) if ( ) call RLW (iclh,nk,icl,iclp,1,1,ich,ichp,2) do 9138 k = 1, np do 9136 jr= 1, 8 fnet(k,jr)= fup(k,jr)+fdw(k,jr) 9136 continue 9138 continue fuptop = 0. do 9140 jr= 1, 8 9140 fuptop = fuptop-fup(np,jr)*coe(jr) irtop(ic,jc) = fuptop do 9142 k = 2, np k1 = k-1 do 9142 jr= 1, 8 dtc(k1,jr)= -gam*1.e-2/dp(k1)*(fnet(k1,jr) & -fnet(k,jr))*cld(k1,jr) 9142 continue do 9146 k = 1, nk ii = nk-k+1 cool(ii) = 0. do 9144 jr= 1, 8 cool(ii) = cool(ii)+dtc(k,jr)*coe(jr) 9144 continue 9146 continue return end subroutine CONRAD (declsc,day,month) c c This subroutine computes the declination angle . c The Julian month is assumed to have length of c 365/12=30.4 c real declsc(2) data pi /3.14159/ ajour = 30.4 * (month-1) + day rdecl = .412 *cos((ajour+10.)*2.*pi /365.25 - pi) declsc(1) = sin (rdecl) declsc(2) = cos (rdecl) return end subroutine SLR (icat,nk,iclb,iclt,icmb,icmt,ichb,icht,pz) c c This subroutine computes the shortwave radiation. c parameter (ilevv = 12,ilev2v = ilevv+2) common /rrr/ fup(ilev2v,8),fdw(ilev2v,8),rw(ilev2v), & f(ilev2v),tl(ilev2v),aso(ilev2v,8),rso(ilev2v,8), & albc(8),rsa,secz,coe(8),dtc(ilev2v,8),fnet(ilev2v,8), & cld(ilev2v,8),rh(ilevv),dp(ilevv),qz(ilevv),p(ilev2v), & tz(ilevv),dpz(ilev2v),qs(ilevv),sso(8),dtw(ilev2v,8) real pz(1) c c Definition of variables . c c index 1 with high cloud c index 2 no high cloud c index 3 no high or middle clouds c aso direct solar insolation c rso reflected solar insolation c 1.4 equivalent optical depth of c a cloud of 200 mb thickness c n = nk+1 icb1 = n itop = n do 9120 i = 1, n rso(i,icat)= 0. 9120 continue aso(itop,icat) = rsa c c picks up the cloud top . c ict1 = max0(iclt,icmt,icht) index = 1 if (ict1.eq.icmt) index = 2 if (ict1.eq.iclt) index = 3 c c Computation for levels outside the cloud : c first above ,second below and third in the cloud . c 100 do 9121 i = ict1, icb1 if (i .eq. icb1 .and. icb1 .ne. n) goto 9121 c c clear case is eliminated. c dw = rw(i)*secz if ( = 1.66*(rw(i)-rw(itop))+1.4*(p(icb1)-p(itop))/200. aso(i,icat) = (aso(itop,icat)-rso(itop,icat))*(1.-fcn(dw)) 9121 continue reaso = albc(icat)*aso(ict1,icat) c c This is alpha*s(absorbed)(1-a(wct sec(zeta)) c if (ict1.eq.1) reaso = albc(ict1)*aso(ict1,icat) do 9122 i = ict1, icb1 dw = 1.66*(rw(ict1)-rw(i)) rso(i,icat) = reaso*(1.-fcn(dw)) c c alpha c * sa *(1-a(wctsec(zeta))((1.66(wct-wi)) c 9122 continue if (ict1 .eq.1) return if (index-2) 10, 11, 12 10 icb1 = max0(iclb,icmb,ichb) if (ichb.eq.icmt) icb1 = icmb if (ichb.eq.icmt) index = index + 1 if (ichb.eq.icmt.and.icmb.eq.iclt) icb1 = iclb if (ichb.eq.icmt.and.icmb.eq.iclt) index = index + 1 go to 3 11 icb1 = max0(iclb,icmb) if (iclt.eq.icmb) icb1 = iclb if (iclt.eq.icmb) index = index + 1 go to 3 12 icb1 = iclb c c Perform levels inside the clouds . c 3 do 9123 i = icb1, ict1 if (i.eq.ict1) go to 9123 eqcw = 1.4*(p(i)-p(ict1))/200. dw = eqcw+1.66*(rw(i)-rw(ict1)) aso(i,icat) = (1.-albc(icat))*aso(ict1,icat)*(1.-fcn(dw)) 9123 continue c c For computations below clouds use the following. c if (icb1.eq.ichb) ict1 = max0(1,iclt,icmt) if (icb1.eq.ichb) itop = icht if (icb1.eq.icmb) ict1 = max0(1,iclt) if (icb1.eq.icmb) itop = icmt if (icb1.eq.iclb) ict1 = 1 if (icb1.eq.iclb) itop = iclt index = index+1 go to 100 end subroutine RLW (icat,nk,iclb,iclt,icmb,icmt,ichb,icht,ntyp) c c This subroutine computes the longwave radiative fluxes . c c ntyp = 0 initialize call c 1 downward flux c 2 upward flux c parameter (ilevv =12,ilev2v=ilevv+2,ilev2sq =ilev2v*ilev2v) common/rrr/fup(ilev2v,8),fdw(ilev2v,8),rw(ilev2v), & f(ilev2v),tl(ilev2v),aso(ilev2v,8),rso(ilev2v,8), & albc(8),rsa,secz,coe(8),dtc(ilev2v,8),fnet(ilev2v,8), & cld(ilev2v,8),rh(ilevv),dp(ilevv),qz(ilevv),p(ilev2v), & tz(ilevv),dpz(ilev2v),qs(ilevv),sso(8),dtw(ilev2v,8) real ff(ilev2v), em(ilev2v,ilev2v), tem(ilev2v) real dw(ilev2sq),emw(ilev2sq) data sigma / 5.667e-8 / a(x) = sigma * x ** 4 if (ntyp-1) 100, 200, 300 100 n = nk + 1 do 9130 k = 1, n 9130 em(k,k)= 0. j = 0 do 9131 k1= 1, nk k11 = k1 + 1 do 9131 k2= k11, n j = j+1 9131 dw(j) = rw(k1)-rw(k2) c c Define the emissivity function c call EMTAB (dw,emw,j) j = 0 do 9132 k1= 1, n k11 = k1+1 do 9132 k2= k11,n j = j+1 9132 em(k1,k2) = emw(j) call EMTAB (rw,tem,n) do 9133 k = 2, nk 9133 ff(k) = 0. ff(1) = a(tl(1)) ff(n) = f(n) if (iclt.le.iclb) go to 150 ff(iclb) = a(tl(iclb)) ff(iclt) = a(tl(iclt)) 150 if (icmt.le.icmb) go to 160 ff(icmb) = a(tl(icmb)) ff(icmt) = a(tl(icmt)) 160 if (icht.le.ichb) return ff(ichb) = a(tl(ichb)) ff(icht) = a(tl(icht)) return 200 index = 1 kkk = 1 icb1 = max0(iclt,icmt,icht) if (icb1.eq.icmt) index = 2 if (icb1.eq.iclt) index = 3 ict1 = n fdw(ict1,icat) = ff(ict1) * tem(ict1) do 9135 k = icb1, nk fd = ff(ict1) * (tem(k) - em(k,ict1)) do 9134 i = k, nk 9134 fd = fd + f(i) * (em(k,i+1) - em(k,i)) 9135 fdw(k,icat)= fd go to 260 230 fdw (ict1,icat) = ff(ict1) ict1m = ict1 - 1 do 9137 k = icb1, ict1m fd = ff(ict1) * (1. - em(k,ict1)) do 9136 i = k, ict1m 9136 fd = fd + f(i) * (em(k,i+1) - em(k,i)) 9137 fdw(k,icat)= fd 260 if (icb1.eq.1) return 270 if (index - 2) 275, 280, 285 275 index = 2 if (ichb .le. icmt) goto 280 ict1 = max0 (iclb,icmb,ichb) icb1 = max0 (1,iclt,icmt) if (kkk.eq.1) go to 230 go to 310 280 index = 3 if (icmb.eq.iclt) go to 285 ict1 = max0(iclb,icmb) icb1 = max0(1,iclt) if (kkk.eq.1) goto 230 goto 310 285 ict1 = iclb icb1 = 1 if (kkk.eq.1) goto 230 goto 310 300 index = 1 kkk = 2 icb1 = max0(iclt,icmt,icht) if (icb1.eq.icmt) index = 2 if (icb1.eq.iclt) index = 3 if (icb1.eq.1 ) index = 4 ict1 = n 310 do 9139 k = icb1, ict1 fu = ff(icb1) * (1. - em(icb1,k)) k1 = k - 1 do 9138 i = icb1, k1 9138 fu = fu + f(i) * (em(i,k) - em(i+1,k)) 9139 fup(k,icat)= -fu go to 260 end function HUMSPC (td,t,p) c c This subroutine computes the specific c humidity as a function of dewpoint td c and pressure p depending on phase. c common/wet/eps,ae(2),be(2),ht(2),tc iph = 1 if ( iph = 2 e = exp(ae(iph) - be(iph)/td ) humspc = eps * e / p return end subroutine EMTAB (dw,emit,nlev) c c This subroutines returns the emissivity values c as function of the optical depth in logarithmic scale c parameter (ilevv=12,ilev2v=ilevv+2,ilev2sq=ilev2v*ilev2v) real eps(18),wlog(19),dw(nlev),emit(nlev) real dwx(ilev2sq),wd(ilev2sq) data eps/0.0186,0.0258,0.0411,0.0572,0.0781,0.114,0.146,0.183, & 0.236,0.277,0.319,0.374,0.417,0.462,0.529,0.59,0.63,0.65/ data wlog/-5.,-4.7,-4.3,-4.0,-3.7,-3.3,-3.0,-2.7,-2.3,-2.0, & -1.7,-1.3,-1.0,-0.7,-0.3,-0.0,0.3,0.7,1.0/ data n,n1/18,17/ do 9140 j = 1, nlev emit(j)= 0. if (dw(j).ge.0.) go to 15 print 1000,dw dw(j) = 0. 15 dwx(j) = dw(j) if (dwx(j).eq.0.) dwx(j) = 1. 9140 continue do 9141 j = 1, nlev 9141 wd(j) = alog10(dwx(j)) c do 9142 j = 1, nlev if (dw(j).eq. 0.) goto 9142 if (wd(j) .gt.wlog(1)) goto 2 1 emit(j)= eps(1) goto 9142 2 do 9143 i = 1, n1 k = i if (wd(j).gt.wlog(i).and.wd(j).le.wlog(i+1)) go to 4 9143 continue 4 demow = (eps(k+1)-eps(k))/(wlog(k+1)-wlog(k)) emit(j) = eps(k)+(wd(j)-wlog(k))*demow 9142 continue return 1000 format(1x,'negative dw',e16.8) end function FCN (x) fcn = 0.271*x**0.303 return end