program SILEPE c c c This program performs the single level primitive c equation forecast. It can also be used for iterative c initialization. The imitive equations use the zonal c and meridional components of the wind field and c the height field as the predicted variables. c The advective terms are computed using a semi- c lagrangian approach.time integration is accomplished c through the Matsuno time integration scheme. c The model can be used with or without the terrain c field and its associated gradients. these field c are assumed to be given. the model also allows for c closed or open boundaries. the domain invariants are c computed during each output time . c c c originator : Florida State University,last revision c L. Bounoua, 1994 c c input : (1) logical unit 21 contains the terrain field c its associated zonal and meridional gradients. c each array of data is stored in one record and c are read in the zm, dhdx, dhdy order . c (2) logical unit 22 contains the initial zonal (u) c and meridional (v) components of the wind field c and height field (z). each array is stored in c one record in the u,v,z order. c (3) logical unit 23 contains information required by c the program during execution. see comment cards c below for details. c c output : (1) logical unit 24 contains the output fields. c the first 3 records contains the initial u,v,z. c subsequent sets of 3 records contain the c forecast u,v,z at 12 hourly intervals ( or other c intervals that has been set by the user.) c (2) logical unit 6 is used for listing. c c c c Variables input through unit 23. c c variable name description read in c ------------- ----------- ------- c ncase description of forecast const c time starting time of forecast const c ijk (=0) iterative initialization const c (=1) one level pe forecast c iterr (=0) no terrain effects included const c (=1) terrain included c ioutpt (=0) no gain and shade done const c (=1) gain and shade done c nsbd (=0) v=0. at n-s boundary const c (=1) smoothing done at n-s boundary const c alfa smoothing coeff (0. - 1.) const c l,m,dphi zonal dimension, meridional c dimension and grid size in deg const c slat,dt southern most lat, time step const c nohist history tape parameter const c (=999) no history tapes made c c iterative initialization c ------------------------- c niter number of iterations const c nout number of iter. before write const c (=1 for one time step) c itcnt no. of history rec. to be read const c c forecast c -------- c tfcst length of forecast in hours const c toint output intervals const c tcnt no. of sets of records to be const c read c parameter (lg = 114,mg = 17) c common /a01/ l, m, l1, m1, m2, g, & slat, dphi common /a02/ jin, jout, itape, jb, jc, jd common /a03/ ijk, itcnt, itime, nstep, iterr common /a04/ time, dt, nohist, ioutpt, nsbd, alfa common /a05/ tfcst, toint, niter, nout, title(3) common /a06/ denom(6,mg), dx(mg), cor(mg), dy common /a07/ dx2iv(mg), dxsqiv(mg), dy2iv, dysqiv common /a08/ zm(lg,mg), dhdx(lg,mg), dhdy(lg,mg) common /a09/ u(lg,mg), v(lg,mg), z(lg,mg) common /a10/ up(lg,mg), vp(lg,mg), zp(lg,mg) common /a11/ uo(lg,mg), vo(lg,mg), zo(lg,mg) common /a12/ a(lg,mg), b(lg,mg), c(lg,mg) c c Open input and output files . c iterr = 0 if( then open (21,file='terrain.out ',status='old') endif open (22,file='infield_out.dat',status='old') open (23,file='tape23.dat',status='old') open (24,file='tape24.dat',status='unknown') c c initialize variables in the common block. c call ZEROS c c Call subroutine CONST to define constants c parameters and constants required by the program c call CONST2 c write(6,1000) time 1000 format(5x,'starting time of forecast is ',f5.0) 1001 format(30x,'iterative initialization') 1002 format(10x,'number of iterations =',i3,2x,'no of iterations ', &'between outputs =',i2,2x,'no of history records to be read =', & i3) 1003 format(30x,' pe. forecast ') 1004 format(10x,'length of forecast in hrs =',f10.3,3x, &' output interval in hrs =',f6.2,3x, &10x,' no of history records,to be read =',i5) 1005 format(10x,'l=',i5,2x,'m=',i5,2x,'slat=',f5.1,2x, &'dphi=',f6.3,2x,'dt=',f5.1) c if (ijk.eq.0) then write(6,1001) write(6,1002) niter, nout, itcnt else 45 continue write(6,1003) write(6,1004) tfcst, toint, itcnt endif write(6,1005) l, m, slat, dphi, dt c c Call subroutine INDATA to read in the c terrain and initial fields. c call INDATA c c Call subroutine INVART to compute the c closed domain invariants. c call INVART c do 11100 j= 1, m,m1 do 11100 i= 1, l uo(i,j)= u(i,j) vo(i,j)= v(i,j) 11100 zo(i,j)= z(i,j) jin = ifix((toint*3600.)/dt)*itcnt if (itcnt.eq.1) jin = 0 if (ijk.eq.0 ) then jint = nout*nstep if (jint.eq.0 ) jint = 1 jout = jin + jint stop = niter/nout else jint = toint*3600./abs(dt) if ( jint = 1 jout = jin+jint jstop = tfcst/toint+0.5 endif c c The 'do loop 11102' controls the outputting of the c forecast products. during each looping, c subroutine 'FCST' is first called to perform c the time integration until the output time c is reached. the forecast products are then output c to the output file if required. Next subroutine c 'INVART' is called to compute the closed domain c invariants of the model. c do 11102 kk= 1, jstop call FCST itape = 24 if ( then write (itape,878) ((u(i,j),i=1,l-6),j=1,m) write (itape,878) ((v(i,j),i=1,l-6),j=1,m) write (itape,878) ((z(i,j),i=1,l-6),j=1,m) 878 format(6e13.6) endif call INVART write(6,1006) kk 1006 format(2x,'after invart',5x,'output step number = ',i5) jin = jout jout = jin+jint 11102 continue end c subroutine CONST2 c c This routine computes or defines the constants that c are needed in the program. the values are read in c from logical unit 23 using free format read. c parameter(lg = 114,mg = 17) c common /a01/ l, m, l1, m1, m2, g, 1 slat, dphi common /a02/ jin, jout, itape, jb, jc, jd common /a03/ ijk, itcnt, itime, nstep, iterr common /a04/ time, dt, nohist, ioutpt, nsbd, alfa common /a05/ tfcst, toint, niter, nout, title(3) common /a06/ denom(6,mg), dx(mg), cor(mg), dy common /a07/ dx2iv(mg), dxsqiv(mg), dy2iv, dysqiv c read (23,*)l,m,ijk read (23,*)times,tfcst,toint,dt read (23,*)iterr,ioutpt,niter,nout,itcnt,nsbd,nohist read (23,*)slat,dphi write (* ,*)l,m,ijk write (* ,*)times,tfcst,toint,dt write (* ,*) iterr,ioutpt,niter,nout,itcnt,nsbd,nohist write (* ,*) slat,dphi write (* ,1) 1 format(// ) c m1 = m-1 l1 = l-1 m2 = m-2 time = times*3600. nstep = 6 alfa = 0.95 g = 9.81 pi = 4.*atan(1.) rad = pi/180. dy = 111.1*dphi*1.e03 dy2iv = 1./(2.*dy) dysqiv = 1./(dy*dy) do 11110 j= 1, m x = (slat+(j-1)*dphi)*rad dx(j) = dy*cos(x) dx2iv(j) = 1./(2.*dx(j)) dxsqiv(j) = 1./(dx(j)*dx(j)) cor(j) = 2.*7.292e-05*sin(x) 11110 continue c c denom is an array of interpolation constants c used in the semi-lagrangian advective scheme c dyy = dy do 11111 j= 2, m1 denom(1,j)= 1./((2.*dx(j-1)*dx(j-1))*(2.*dyy*dyy)) denom(2,j)= -1./(( dx(j-1)*dx(j-1))*(2.*dyy*dyy)) denom(3,j)= -1./((2.*dx(j )*dx(j ))*( dyy*dyy)) denom(4,j)= 1./(( dx(j )*dx(j ))*( dyy*dyy)) denom(5,j)= 1./((2.*dx(j+1)*dx(j+1))*(2.*dyy*dyy)) denom(6,j)= -1./(( dx(j+1)*dx(j+1))*(2.*dyy*dyy)) 11111 continue return end c subroutine FCST c c This subroutine does the time integration part of c the model. the Matsuno backward time differencing c scheme with semi-lagrangian advection is used here. c the semi-lagrangian scheme follows the method c proposed by Krishnamurti (1969) and mathur (1970). c The time integration consists of a trial forward c step and a corrector step. a correction term c following kanamitsu (1974) is applied to the c forcing functions during the corrector stage of the c computation. c parameter (lg = 114,mg = 17) c common /a01/ l, m, l1, m1, m2, g, 1 slat, dphi common /a02/ jin, jout, itape, jb, jc, jd common /a03/ ijk, itcnt, itime, nstep, iterr common /a04/ time, dt, nohist, ioutpt, nsbd, alfa common /a05/ tfcst, toint, niter, nout, title(3) common /a06/ denom(6,mg), dx(mg), cor(mg), dy common /a07/ dx2iv(mg), dxsqiv(mg), dy2iv, dysqiv common /a08/ zm(lg,mg), dhdx(lg,mg), dhdy(lg,mg) common /a09/ u(lg,mg), v(lg,mg), z(lg,mg) common /a10/ up(lg,mg), vp(lg,mg), zp(lg,mg) common /a11/ uo(lg,mg), vo(lg,mg), zo(lg,mg) common /a12/ a(lg,mg), b(lg,mg), c(lg,mg) dimension eu(lg,mg), ev(lg,mg), ez(lg,mg) equivalence (a,eu), (b,ev), (c,ez) c jinp = jin+1 m3 = m-3 balfa = (1.-alfa)*0.5 c c do 11100 itime = jinp, jout c c Corrector computation c c c Define some parameters required for iterative c iterative initialization . c if ( ijk.eq.0 ) then iii = (itime-1)/nstep+1 iii = mod(iii,2)+1 dt = abs(dt)*(-1.)**iii endif gdt = g*dt time = time + dt c if ( then if ( ) then do 11102 j= 2, m1, m1-2 do 11102 i= 1, l u(i,j) = alfa*u(i,j)+balfa*(u(i,j-1)+u(i,j+1)) v(i,j) = alfa*v(i,j)+balfa*(v(i,j-1)+v(i,j+1)) 11102 z(i,j) = alfa*z(i,j)+balfa*(z(i,j-1)+z(i,j+1)) endif endif c c The forcing at the southern and northern c boundaries at time t, are set to 0.0 c do 11104 j= 1, m, m1 do 11104 i= 1, l a(i,j) = 0. b(i,j) = 0. 11104 c(i,j) = 0. c c Computation of the forcing functions c fort he other grid points. c dyy = dy2iv do 11106 j= 2, m1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 dxx = dx2iv(j) do 11106 i= 1, l ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if ( ip1 = 2 if ( im1 = l1 a(i,j) = -g*(z(ip1,j)-z(im1,j))*dxx + cor(j)*v(i,j) & -g*dhdx(i,j) b(i,j) = -g*(z(i,jp1)-z(i,jm1))*dyy - cor(j)*u(i,j) & -g*dhdy(i,j) c(i,j) = -z(i,j)*((u(ip1,j)-u(im1,j))*dxx & +(v(i,jp1)-v(i,jm1))*dyy) 11106 continue c call INTERP2 c c Corrector step c c First the correction terms to be added to the c forcing functions are computed. c dyy = dysqiv do 11108 j= 3, m-2 dxx = dxsqiv(j) jp1 = j+1 jp2 = j+2 jm1 = j-1 jm2 = j-2 do 11108 i= 1, l zzz = z(i,j) ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if ( ip1 = 2 if ( im1 = l1 ip2 = i+2 im2 = i-2 if ( ip2 = i+3-l if ( im2 = l-3+i eu(i,j)= gdt*zzz*dxx*(-0.25*(u(ip2,j) + u(im2,j) & -2.*u(i,j)) + u(ip1,j) + u(im1,j) -2.*u(i,j)) ev(i,j)= gdt*zzz*dyy*(-0.25*(v(i,jp2) + v(i,jm2) & -2.*v(i,j)) + v(i,jp1) + v(i,jm1)- 2.*v(i,j)) ez(i,j)= gdt*(dxx*(0.25*(z(ip2,j) + z(im2,j) -2.*zzz) & -(z(ip1,j) + z(im1,j) - 2.*zzz))+dyy*(0.25*( & z(i,jp2) + z(i,jm2) - 2.*zzz)-(z(i,jp1) + z( & i,jm1) - 2.*zzz))) 11108 continue c dxx = dxsqiv(2) dyy = dysqiv do 11110 i= 1, l zzz = z(i,2) ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if ( ip1 = 2 if ( im1 = l1 ip2 = i+2 im2 = i-2 if ( ip2 = i+3-l if ( im2 = l-3+i eu(i,2)= gdt*zzz*dxx*(-0.25*(u(ip2,2) + u(im2,2)-2.* & u(i,2)) + u(im1,2) + u(ip1,2) - 2.*u(i,2)) ev(i,2)= gdt*zzz*dyy*(v(i,3) + v(i,1) - 2.*v(i,2) + & 0.5*(v(i,2) - v(i,1)) - 0.25*(v(i,4) - v(i,2))) ez(i,2)= gdt*(dxx*(0.25*(z(ip2,2)+z(im2,2) - 2.*zzz) & -(z(ip1,2) + z(im1,2) - 2.*zzz))+dyy*(0.25* & (z(i,4) - zzz) - 0.5*(zzz - z(i,1))-(z(i,3) & + z(i,1) - 2.*zzz))) 11110 continue c dxx = dxsqiv(m1) dyy = dysqiv do 11112 i= 1, l zzz = z(i,m1) ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if ( ip1 = 2 if ( im1 = l1 ip2 = i+2 im2 = i-2 if ( ip2 = i+3-l if ( im2 = l-3+i eu(i,m1) = gdt*zzz*dxx*(-0.25*(u(ip2,m1)+u(im2,m1) & -2.*u(i,m1))+u(ip1,m1)+u(im1,m1)-2.*u(i,m1)) ev(i,m1) = gdt*zzz*dyy*(v(i,m)+v(i,m2)-2.*v(i,m1) & -0.5*(v(i,m)-v(i,m1))+0.25*(v(i,m1)-v(i,m3))) ez(i,m1) = gdt*(dxx*(0.25*(z(ip2,m1)+z(im2,m1)-2. & *zzz)-(z(ip1,m1)+z(im1,m1)-2.*zzz))+dyy*(-0. & 25*(zzz-z(i,m3))+0.5*(z(i,m)-zzz)-(z(i,m)+z( & i,m2)-2.*zzz))) 11112 continue c c Start the corrector loop computation . c dyy = dy2iv do 11114 j= 2, m1 dxx = dx2iv(j) jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 do 11114 i= 1, l ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if ( ip1 = 2 if ( im1 = l1 fuq = -g*(zo(ip1,j) - zo(im1,j))*dxx + & cor(j)*vo(i,j)+eu(i,j) - g*dhdx(i,j) fvq = -g*(zo(i,jp1) - zo(i,jm1))*dyy - & cor(j)*uo(i,j)+ev(i,j) - g*dhdy(i,j) fzq = -zo(i,j)*((uo(ip1,j)-uo(im1,j))* & dxx+(vo(i,jp1)-vo(i,jm1))*dyy+ez(i,j)) c u(i,j) = up(i,j) + fuq*dt v(i,j) = vp(i,j) + fvq*dt z(i,j) = zp(i,j) + fzq*dt 11114 continue c c After each time step, the day, hour, and minute c of the time step computation completed is written c into the listing file.This is optional if iprint=1 c iprint = 1 if (iprint .eq.1) then iday = ifix (time/86400.) ihour = ifix ((time-iday*86400.)/3600.) imin = ifix ((time-iday*86400.-ihour*3600.)/60.) write (6,1000) iday, ihour, imin 1000 format(10x,' day =',i5,2x,' hour =',i5,2x,' min =',i5,) endif 11100 continue return end c function FINTP (f,i) c c This function computes the values of the variables c at point 'p' at time 't' using the 9-point c Lagrange interpolation scheme. c parameter (lg = 114,mg= 17) c common /a01/ l, m, l1, m1, m2, g, slat,dphi common /a02/ jin, jout, itape, jb, jc, jd common /gg1/ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9 dimension f(lg,mg) c ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if ( ip1 = 2 if ( im1 = l1 fintp = g1*f(im1,jb)+g2*f(i,jb)+g3*f(ip1,jb)+ & g4*f(im1,jc)+g5*f(i,jc)+g6*f(ip1,jc)+ & g7*f(im1,jd)+g8*f(i,jd)+g9*f(ip1,jd) return end c subroutine INDATA c c This routine reads in the input variables u, v, z, c h, dh/dx, dh/dy. c parameter ( lg = 114, mg = 17) c common /a01/ l,m, l1,m1, m2,g, slat,dphi common /a02/ jin, jout, itp, jb, jc, jd common /a03/ ijk, itcnt, itime, nstep, iterr common /a04/ time, dt, nohist, ioutpt, nsbd, alfa common /a08/ zm(lg,mg), dhdx(lg,mg), dhdy(lg,mg) common /a09/ u(lg,mg), v(lg,mg), z(lg,mg) c if ( ) then read (21,878) ((zm(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) read (21,878) ((dhdx(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) read (21,878) ((dhdy(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) 878 format(6e13.6) else do 11120 i= 1, l do 11120 j= 1, m zm(i,j) = 0. dhdx(i,j) = 0. 11120 dhdy(i,j) = 0. endif itp = 22 do 11121 kk= 1, itcnt read (itp,878) ((u(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) read (itp,878) ((v(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) read (itp,878) ((z(i,j),i=1,l),j=1,m) 11121 continue return end c subroutine INTERP2 c c This subroutine performs the semi-lagrangian c advection computation. the method used is similar c to that proposed by Krishmamurti (1969) and mathur c (1970). the 9-point Lagrange interpolation scheme c is used for obtaining the values at the departure c points c parameter (lg = 114,mg = 17) c common /a01/ l,m, l1,m1, m2,g, slat,dphi common /a02/ jin, jout, itape, jb, jc, jd common /a04/ time, dt, nohist, ioutpt, nsbd, alfa common /a06/ denom(6,mg), dx(mg), cor(mg), dy common /a09/ u(lg,mg), v(lg,mg), z(lg,mg) common /a10/ up(lg,mg), vp(lg,mg), zp(lg,mg) common /a11/ uo(lg,mg), vo(lg,mg), zo(lg,mg) common /a12/ a(lg,mg), b(lg,mg), c(lg,mg) common /gg1/ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9 c do 11130 j= 2, m1 jb = j-1 jc = j jd = j+1 jp1 = j+1 jm1 = j-1 do 11131 i= 1, l do 11132 kk= 1, 2 if (kk.eq.1) then uu = u(i,jc) vv = v(i,jc) au = a(i,jc) bv = b(i,jc) endif xp = -(uu+.5*au*dt)*dt yp = -(vv+.5*bv*dt)*dt yk1 = yp*(yp-dy) yk2 = (yp+dy)*(yp-dy) yk3 = (yp+dy)*yp g1 = xp*(xp-dx(jm1))*yk1*denom(1,j) g2 = (xp+dx(jm1))*(xp-dx(jm1))*yk1*denom(2,j) g3 = (xp+dx(jm1))*(xp*yk1*denom(1,j)) g4 = xp*(xp-dx(j))*yk2*denom(3,j) g5 = (xp+dx(j))*(xp-dx(j))*yk2*denom(4,j) g6 = (xp+dx(j))*xp*yk2*denom(3,j) g7 = (xp-dx(jp1))*xp*yk3*denom(5,j) g8 = (xp+dx(jp1))*(xp-dx(jp1))*yk3*denom(6,j) g9 = (xp+dx(jp1))*(xp*yk3*denom(5,j)) c c Computations of the values of u, v, a, b at point p c are accomplished by calling the function 'FINTP.' c ipass = i xx = fintp(u(1,1),ipass) xy = fintp(v(1,1),ipass) ax = fintp(a(1,1),ipass) bx = fintp(b(1,1),ipass) c c Redefine u,v,a,b at p c if (kk.eq.1) then uu = xx vv = xy au = ax bv = bx else up(i,j)= xx vp(i,j)= xy c c Calculation of z value at point p. c xz = fintp(z(1,1),ipass) zp(i,j)= xz cx = fintp(c(1,1),ipass) uo(i,j)= xx + ax*dt vo(i,j)= xy + bx*dt zo(i,j)= xz + cx*dt endif 11132 continue 11131 continue 11130 continue return end c subroutine INVART c c This subroutine computes the closed domain invariants c of the single level primitive equation model. these c are the domain average (1) geopotential height, (2) c potential vorticity, (3) potential vorticity square, c and (4) ln(z**2/2) .the root mean square divergence c is also computed. c parameter (lg = 114,mg = 17) c common /a01/ l,m, l1,m1, m2,g, slat,dphi common /a02/ jin, jout, itape, jb, jc, jd common /a03/ ijk, itcnt, itime, nstep, iterr common /a06/ denom(6,mg), dx(mg), cor(mg), dy common /a07/ dx2iv(mg), dxsqiv(mg), dy2iv, dysqiv common /a08/ zm(lg,mg), dhdx(lg,mg), dhdy(lg,mg) common /a09/ u(lg,mg), v(lg,mg), z(lg,mg) c areaiv = 1./float(l1*m2) sum = 0. sumz = 0. sumzsq = 0. sume = 0. pvsq = 0. divsq = 0. c do 11140 j= 2, m1 do 11140 i= 1, l1 ip1 = i+1 im1 = i-1 if ( im1 = l1 potvor = ((v(ip1,j)-v(im1,j))/(2.*dx(j))-(u(i,j+1)- & u(i,j-1))/(2.*dy)+cor(j))/z(i,j) pvsq = pvsq + potvor*potvor sum = sum + potvor sume = sume + z(i,j)*0.5*(u(i,j)*u(i,j)+v(i,j)*v(i,j) & + g*z(i,j)) if (iterr.eq.1) sume = sume+z(i,j)*g*zm(i,j) sumzsq = sumzsq + alog(z(i,j)*z(i,j)/2) sumz = sumz + z(i,j) div = (u(ip1,j)-u(im1,j))*dx2iv(j)+(v(i,j+1)-v(i,j-1) & )*dy2iv divsq = divsq + div*div 11140 continue c sum = sum * areaiv divsq = sqrt(divsq*areaiv) sume = sume * areaiv sumz = sumz * areaiv sumzsq = sumzsq*areaiv pvsq = pvsq * areaiv write (6,50) sumz, sum, pvsq, sumzsq, sume, divsq 50 format(//,1x,'mean geopotential height ',e13.4,/, & 1x,'mean pot. vorticity ',e13.4,/, & 1x,'mean square pot. vorticity ',e13.4,/, & 1x,'mean ln(0.5*z*z) ',e13.4,/, & 1x,'mean total energy ',e13.4,/, & 1x,'root mean square divergence',e13.4,/) return end c subroutine ZEROS c c This subroutine sets the values of the variables c in the common blocks to zeros . c parameter (lg = 114,mg = 17) c common /a05/ tfcst, toint, niter, nout, title(3) common /a06/ denom(6,mg), dx(mg), cor(mg), dy common /a07/ dx2iv(mg), dxsqiv(mg), dy2iv, dysqiv common /a08/ zm(lg,mg), dhdx(lg,mg), dhdy(lg,mg) common /a09/ u(lg,mg), v(lg,mg), z(lg,mg) common /a10/ up(lg,mg), vp(lg,mg), zp(lg,mg) common /a11/ uo(lg,mg), vo(lg,mg), zo(lg,mg) common /a12/ a(lg,mg), b(lg,mg), c(lg,mg) c do 11150 i= 1, 3 title(i) = 0. 11150 continue do 11151 i= 1, 6 do 11151 j= 1, mg 11151 denom(i,j)= 0. do 11152 i= 1, mg dx(i) = 0. cor(i) = 0. dx2iv(i) = 0. dxsqiv(i) = 0. do 11152 j= 1, lg zm(j,i) = 0. dhdx(j,i) = 0. dhdy(j,i) = 0. u(j,i) = 0. v(j,i) = 0. z(j,i) = 0. up(j,i) = 0. vp(j,i) = 0. zp(j,i) = 0. uo(j,i) = 0. vo(j,i) = 0. zo(j,i) = 0. a(j,i) = 0. b(j,i) = 0. c(j,i) = 0. 11152 continue return end