program STREAM c c This program computes the streamfunctions from c the wind field using the relaxation and the c Fourier methods . c parameter (l=21,m=13,np=7,l1=l-1,m1=m-1,l2=l-2,m2=m-2) real datau (l,m,np),datav(l,m,np),zinv(100) real u(l,m),v(l,m),dx(m),z(100) real psi(l,m),a(l,m),work(2*l) complex uu(l,m),vv(l,m) open (20,file='uv21.dat',status='old') open (30,file='psirf.dat',status='unknown') c c read the wind components (1000 to 100 mb) from unit 20. c 878 format(10f8.2) do 4100 ip = 1, np read (20,878) ((datau(i,j,ip),i=1,l),j=1,m) read (20,878) ((datav(i,j,ip),i=1,l),j=1,m) 4100 continue c c select wind field at 500 mb c do 4102 i = 1, l do 4102 j = 1, m u (i,j) = datau (i,j,4) v (i,j) = datav (i,j,4) 4102 continue c c define the grid spacing and the invariant c constants for the domain. c slat = -15. grid = 2.5 pi = 4.0*atan(1.0) rad = pi/180. dy = 111.1 * 1000. * grid do 4104 j = 1, m alat = (slat + (j-1)*grid)*rad dx(j) = dy * cos(alat) 4104 continue do 4106 j = 1, m z(j) = dx(j)*dx(j) zinv(j)= 1./z(j) 4106 continue zz = dy*dy zzinv = 1./zz c c define the forcing function (relative vorticity) c do 4108 j = 2, m1 do 4110 i = 2, l1 4110 a(i,j) = (v(i+1,j)-v(i-1,j))/(2.*dx(j)) & -(u(i,j+1)-u(i,j-1))/(2.*dy) a(1,j) = (v(2,j)-v(l1,j))/(2.*dx(j)) & -(u(1,j+1)-u(1,j-1))/(2.*dy) a(l,j) = a(1,j) 4108 continue do 4112 i = 1, l a(i,1) = 2.*a(i,2)-a(i,3) 4112 a(i,m) = 2.*a(i,m1)-a(i,m2) c c compute the net mass out-flux.the outward velocity c is corrected to yield a net outward mass flux. c c vno is the integral mass flux. c uno is the integral of the magnitude of mass flux. c vno = v(1,m)*dx(m)/2.+v(l,m)*dx(m)/2. uno = abs(v(1,m))*dx(m)/2.+abs(v(l,m))*dx(m)/2. c do 4114 i = 2, l1 uno = uno + abs (v(i,m))*dx(m) 4114 vno = vno + v(i,m)*dx(m) vno = vno + u(l,m)*dy/2. + u(l,1)*dy/2. uno = uno + abs(u(l,m))*dy/2.+abs(u(l,1))*dy/2. c do 4116 j = 2, m1 uno = uno + abs(u(l,j))*dy 4116 vno = vno + u(l,j)*dy vno = vno - v(l,1)*dx(1)/2.-v(1,1)*dx(1)/2. uno = uno + abs(v(l,1))*dx(1)/2.+abs(v(1,1))*dx(1)/2. c do 4118 i = 2, l1 uno = uno + abs(v(i,1))*dx(1) 4118 vno = vno - v(i,1)*dx(1) vno = vno - u(1,1)*dy/2.-u(1,m)*dy/2. uno = uno + abs(u(1,1))*dy/2.+abs(u(1,m))*dy/2. c c computation of the correction factor epsilon c do 4120 j = 2, m1 uno = uno + abs(u(1,j))*dy 4120 vno = vno - u(1,j)*dy eps = vno/uno write(6,798) write(6,799) uno,vno,eps 798 format(2x,'uno ,vno , eps') 799 format(6x,3e14.5) c c correction of the outward normal velocity. c do 4122 i = 1, l v(i,1) = v(i,1) + eps*abs(v(i,1)) 4122 v(i,m) = v(i,m) - eps*abs(v(i,m)) c do 4124 j = 1, m u(1,j) = u(1,j) + eps*abs(u(1,j)) 4124 u(l,j) = u(l,j) - eps*abs(u(l,j)) c c assume psi(1,m) is known and compute the remaining c boundary values using the corrected outward normal c velocitiy. c psi(1,m) = 0. do 4126 i = 2, l 4126 psi(i,m) = psi(i-1,m) + (v(i,m)+v(i-1,m))*dx(m)/2. do 4128 jj= 1, m1 j = m-jj 4128 psi(l,j) = psi(l,j+1) + (u(l,j)+u(l,j+1))*dy/2. do 4130 ii= 1, l1 i = l-ii 4130 psi(i,1) = psi(i+1,1) - (v(i,1)+v(i+1,1))*dx(1)/2. do 4132 j = 2, m1 4132 psi(1,j) = psi(1,j-1) - (u(1,j)+u(1,j-1))*dy/2. c c solve the poisson equation using the relaxation technique. c the tolerance factor is set to 1000. c call RELAX (psi,zzinv,z,a,zinv,l,l1,m1,m) c c normalize the streamfunction ,and write output to tape 4. c do 4134 j = 1, m do 4134 i = 1, l 4134 psi(i,j) = psi(i,j) write (30,222)psi 222 format(10e13.6) c c compute the steamfunction via fourier expansions. c do 4136 j = 1, m do 4136 i = 1, l uu(i,j) = cmplx (u(i,j),0.0) vv(i,j) = cmplx (v(i,j),0.0) 4136 continue c call PSICHI (uu,vv,l,m,dx,dy,work,1,1) c do 4138 j = 1, m do 4138 i = 1, l psi(i,j) = real (uu(i,j)) 4138 continue c c write output . c write (30,222)psi c stop end subroutine FOURT (data,nn,ndim,isign,iform,work) c c This subroutines performs the fast Fourier transform (FFT) c dimension data(1),nn(1),ifact(32),work(1) real *8 twopi,rthlf data twopi/6.2831853071796/,rthlf/0.70710678118655/ if(ndim-1)920,1,1 1 ntot = 2 do 2 idim = 1, ndim if(nn(idim))920,920,2 2 ntot=ntot*nn(idim) c c main loop for each dimension c np1 = 2 do 910 idim = 1, ndim n = nn(idim) np2 = np1*n if (n-1) 920,900,5 c c is n a power of two and if not, what are its factors c 5 m = n ntwo = np1 if = 1 idiv = 2 10 iquot = m/idiv irem = m-idiv*iquot if (iquot-idiv) 50,11,11 11 if (irem) 20,12,20 12 ntwo = ntwo+ntwo ifact(if) = idiv if = if+1 m = iquot go to 10 20 idiv = 3 inon2 = if 30 iquot = m/idiv irem = m-idiv*iquot if (iquot-idiv) 60,31,31 31 if (irem) 40,32,40 32 ifact(if) = idiv if = if+1 m = iquot go to 30 40 idiv = idiv+2 go to 30 50 inon2 = if if (irem) 60,51,60 51 ntwo = ntwo+ntwo go to 70 60 ifact(if) = m c c separate four cases-- c 1. complex transform or real transform for the 4th, 9th,etc. c dimensions. c 2. real transform for the 2nd or 3rd dimension. method-- c transform half the data, supplying the other half by con- c jugate symmetry. c 3. real transform for the 1st dimension, n odd. method-- c set the imaginary parts to zero. c 4. real transform for the 1st dimension, n even. method-- c transform a complex array of length n/2 whose real parts c are the even numbered real values and whose imaginary parts c are the odd numbered real values. separate and supply c the second half by conjugate symmetry. c 70 icase = 1 ifmin = 1 i1rng = np1 if (idim-4) 7 1,100,100 71 if (iform) 72,72,100 72 icase = 2 i1rng = npo*(1+nprev/2) if (idim-1) 73,73,100 73 icase = 3 i1rng = np1 if (ntwo-np1) 100,100,74 74 icase = 4 ifmin = 2 ntwo = ntwo/2 n = n/2 np2 = np2/2 ntot = ntot/2 i = 1 do 80 j = 1, ntot data(j) = data(i) 80 i = i+2 c c shuffle data by bit reversal, since n=2**k. as the shuffling c can be done by simple interchange, no working array is needed c 100 if (ntwo-np2) 200,110,110 110 np2hf = np2/2 j = 1 do 150 i2 = 1, np2, np1 if (j-i2) 120,130,130 120 i1max = i2+np1-2 do 125 i1 = i2, i1max, 2 do 125 i3 = i1, ntot, np2 j3 = j+i3-i2 tempr = data(i3) tempi = data(i3+1) data(i3) = data(j3) data(i3+1)= data(j3+1) data(j3) = tempr 125 data(j3+1)= tempi 130 m = np2hf 140 if (j-m) 150,150,145 145 j = j-m m = m/2 if (m-np1) 150,140,140 150 j = j+m go to 300 c c shuffle data by digit reversal for general n c 200 nwork = 2*n do 270 i1 = 1, np1, 2 do 270 i3 = i1,ntot, np2 j = i3 do 260 i = 1, nwork, 2 if (icase-3) 210,220,210 210 work(i)= data(j) work(i+1) = data(j+1) go to 230 220 work(i) = data(j) work(i+1) = 0. 230 ifp2 = np2 if = ifmin 240 ifp1 = ifp2/ifact(if) j = j+ifp1 if (j-i3-ifp2) 260,250,250 250 j = j-ifp2 ifp2 = ifp1 if = if+1 if (ifp2-np1) 260,260,240 260 continue i2max = i3+np2-np1 i = 1 do 270 i2 = i3,i2max,np1 data(i2) = work(i) data(i2+1)= work(i+1) 270 i = i+2 c c main loop for factors of two. perform fourier transforms of c length four, with one of length two if needed. the twiddle factor c w = exp(isign*2*pi*sqrt(-1)*m/(4*mmax)). check for w=isign*sqrt(-1) c and repeat for w=w*(1+isign*sqrt(-1))/sqrt(2). c 300 if (ntwo-np1) 600,600,305 305 np1tw = np1+np1 ipar = ntwo/np1 310 if (ipar-2) 350,330,320 320 ipar = ipar/4 go to 310 330 do 340 i1 = 1,i1rng,2 do 340 k1 = i1,ntot,np1tw k2 = k1+np1 tempr = data(k2) tempi = data(k2+1) data(k2) = data(k1)-tempr data(k2+1)= data(k1+1)-tempi data(k1) = data(k1)+tempr 340 data(k1+1)= data(k1+1)+tempi 350 mmax = np1 360 if (mmax-ntwo/2) 370,600,600 370 lmax = max0(np1tw,mmax/2) do 570 l = np1, lmax, np1tw m = l if (mmax-np1) 420,420,380 380 theta = -twopi*float(l)/float(4*mmax) if (isign) 400,390,390 390 theta = -theta 400 wr = cos(theta) wi = sin(theta) 410 w2r = wr*wr-wi*wi w2i = 2.*wr*wi w3r = w2r*wr-w2i*wi w3i = w2r*wi+w2i*wr 420 do 530 i1 = 1,i1rng,2 kmin = i1+ipar*m if (mmax-np1) 430,430,440 430 kmin = i1 440 kdif = ipar*mmax 450 kstep = 4*kdif if (kstep-ntwo) 460,460,530 460 do 520 k1 = kmin, ntot, kstep k2 = k1+kdif k3 = k2+kdif k4 = k3+kdif if (mmax-np1) 470,470,480 470 u1r = data(k1)+data(k2) u1i = data(k1+1)+data(k2+1) u2r = data(k3)+data(k4) u2i = data(k3+1)+data(k4+1) u3r = data(k1)-data(k2) u3i = data(k1+1)-data(k2+1) if (isign) 471,472,472 471 u4r = data(k3+1)-data(k4+1) u4i = data(k4)-data(k3) go to 510 472 u4r = data(k4+1)-data(k3+1) u4i = data(k3)-data(k4) go to 510 480 t2r = w2r*data(k2)-w2i*data(k2+1) t2i = w2r*data(k2+1)+w2i*data(k2) t3r = wr*data(k3)-wi*data(k3+1) t3i = wr*data(k3+1)+wi*data(k3) t4r = w3r*data(k4)-w3i*data(k4+1) t4i = w3r*data(k4+1)+w3i*data(k4) u1r = data(k1)+t2r u1i = data(k1+1)+t2i u2r = t3r+t4r u2i = t3i+t4i u3r = data(k1)-t2r u3i = data(k1+1)-t2i if (isign) 490,500,500 490 u4r = t3i-t4i u4i = t4r-t3r go to 510 500 u4r = t4i-t3i u4i = t3r-t4r 510 data(k1) = u1r+u2r data(k1+1)= u1i+u2i data(k2) = u3r+u4r data(k2+1)= u3i+u4i data(k3) = u1r-u2r data(k3+1)= u1i-u2i data(k4) = u3r-u4r 520 data(k4+1)= u3i-u4i kdif = kstep kmin = 4*(kmin-i1)+i1 go to 450 530 continue m = m+lmax if (m-mmax) 540,540,570 540 if(isign)550,560,560 550 tempr = wr wr = (wr+wi)*rthlf wi = (wi-tempr)*rthlf go to 410 560 tempr = wr wr = (wr-wi)*rthlf wi = (tempr+wi)*rthlf go to 410 570 continue ipar = 3-ipar mmax = mmax+mmax go to 360 c c main loop for factors not equal to two. apply the twiddle factor c w=exp(isign*2*pi*sqrt(-1)*(j1-1)*(j2-j1)/(ifp1+ifp2)),then c perform a fourier transform of length ifact(if), making use of c conjugate symmetries. c 600 if (ntwo-np2) 605,700,700 605 ifp1 = ntwo if = inon2 np1hf = np1/2 610 ifp2 = ifact(if)*ifp1 j1min = np1+1 if (j1min-ifp1) 615,615,640 615 do 635 j1 = j1min, ifp1, np1 theta = -twopi*float(j1-1)/float(ifp2) if (isign) 625,620,620 620 theta = -theta 625 wstpr = cos(theta) wstpi = sin(theta) wr = wstpr wi = wstpi j2min = j1+ifp1 j2max = j1+ifp2-ifp1 do 635 j2 = j2min, j2max, ifp1 i1max = j2+i1rng-2 do 630 i1 = j2, i1max, 2 do 630 j3 = i1, ntot, ifp2 tempr = data(j3) data(j3) = data(j3)*wr-data(j3+1)*wi 630 data(j3+1)= tempr*wi+data(j3+1)*wr tempr = wr wr = wr*wstpr-wi*wstpi 635 wi = tempr*wstpi+wi*wstpr 640 theta = -twopi/float(ifact(if)) if (isign) 650,645,645 645 theta = -theta 650 wstpr = cos(theta) wstpi = sin(theta) j2rng = ifp1*(1+ifact(if)/2) do 695 i1 = 1, i1rng, 2 do 695 i3 = i1, ntot, np2 j2max = i3+j2rng-ifp1 do 690 j2 = i3,j2max,ifp1 j1max = j2+ifp1-np1 do 680 j1 = j2, j1max, np1 j3max = j1+np2-ifp2 do 680 j3 = j1,j3max,ifp2 jmin = j3-j2+i3 jmax = jmin+ifp2-ifp1 i = 1+(j3-i3)/np1hf if (j2-i3) 655,655,665 655 sumr = 0. sumi = 0. do 660 j = jmin, jmax, ifp1 sumr = sumr+data(j) 660 sumi = sumi+data(j+1) work(i) = sumr work(i+1) = sumi go to 680 665 iconj = 1+(ifp2-2*j2+i3+j3)/np1hf j = jmax sumr = data(j) sumi = data(j+1) oldsr = 0. oldsi = 0. j = j-ifp1 670 tempr = sumr tempi = sumi sumr = twowr*sumr-oldsr+data(j) sumi = twowr*sumi-oldsi+data(j+1) oldsr = tempr oldsi = tempi j = j-ifp1 if (j-jmin) 675,675,670 675 tempr = wr*sumr-oldsr+data(j) tempi = wi*sumi work(i) = tempr-tempi work(iconj)=tempr+tempi tempr = wr*sumi-oldsi+data(j+1) tempi = wi*sumr work(i+1) = tempr+tempi work(iconj+1)=tempr-tempi 680 continue if (j2-i3) 685,685,686 685 wr = wstpr wi = wstpi go to 690 686 tempr = wr wr = wr*wstpr-wi*wstpi wi = tempr*wstpi+wi*wstpr 690 twowr = wr+wr i = 1 i2max = i3+np2-np1 do 695 i2 = i3,i2max,np1 data(i2) = work(i) data(i2+1)= work(i+1) 695 i = i+2 if = if+1 ifp1 = ifp2 if (ifp1-np2) 610,700,700 c c complete a real transform in the 1st dimension, n even, by con- c jugate symmetries. c 700 go to (900,800,900,701),icase 701 nhalf = n n = n+n theta = -twopi/float(n) if (isign) 703,702,702 702 theta = -theta 703 wstpr = cos(theta) wstpi = sin(theta) wr = wstpr wi = wstpi imin = 3 jmin = 2*nhalf-1 go to 725 710 j = jmin do 720 i = imin, ntot, np2 sumr = (data(i)+data(j))/2. sumi = (data(i+1)+data(j+1))/2. difr = (data(i)-data(j))/2. difi = (data(i+1)-data(j+1))/2. tempr = wr*sumi+wi*difr tempi = wi*sumi-wr*difr data(i) = sumr+tempr data(i+1) = difi+tempi data(j) = sumr-tempr data(j+1) = -difi+tempi 720 j = j+np2 imin = imin+2 jmin = jmin-2 tempr = wr wr = wr*wstpr-wi*wstpi wi = tempr*wstpi+wi*wstpr 725 if (imin-jmin) 710,730,740 730 if (isign) 731,740,740 731 do 735 i = imin, ntot, np2 735 data(i+1) = -data(i+1) 740 np2 = np2+np2 ntot = ntot+ntot j = ntot+1 imax = ntot/2+1 745 imin = imax-2*nhalf i = imin go to 755 750 data(j) = data(i) data(j+1) = -data(i+1) 755 i = i+2 j = j-2 if (i-imax) 750,760,760 760 data(j) = data(imin)-data(imin+1) data(j+1) = 0. if (i-j) 770,780,780 765 data(j) = data(i) data(j+1) = data(i+1) 770 i = i-2 j = j-2 if (i-imin) 775,775,765 775 data(j) = data(imin)+data(imin+1) data(j+1) = 0. imax = imin go to 745 780 data(1) = data(1)+data(2) data(2) = 0. go to 900 c c complete a real transform for the 2nd or 3rd dimension by c conjugate symmetries. c 800 if (i1rng-np1)805,900,900 805 do 860 i3 = 1, ntot, np2 i2max=i3+np2-np1 do 860 i2 = i3, i2max,np1 imin = i2+i1rng imax = i2+np1-2 jmax = 2*i3+np1-imin if (i2-i3) 820,820,810 810 jmax = jmax+np2 820 if (idim-2) 850,850,830 830 j = jmax+npo do 840 i = imin,imax,2 data(i) = data(j) data(i+1) = -data(j+1) 840 j = j-2 850 j = jmax do 860 i = imin,imax,npo data(i) = data(j) data(i+1) = -data(j+1) 860 j = j-npo c c end of loop on each dimension c 900 npo = np1 np1 = np2 910 nprev = n 920 return end subroutine RELAX (x,zzinv,z,y,zinv,l,l1,m1,m) c c This subroutine solve the Poisson equation using c the overrelaxation method . c c definition of variables : c c x contains first guess and eventually c the output of the field to be relaxed c y forcing function of l by m matrix c z latitudinal increment square c zinv inverse of dx**2 c zzinv inverse of dy**2 c l east-west dimension c m north-south dimension c c definition of constants : c npts number of points to be relaxed c nrel number of points relaxed c alfa relaxation factor c ia maximum number of iterations allowed c eps tolerance error c nsc count of number of scan for convergence c lsc last scan after convergence c real x(l,m),y(l,m),z(m),zinv(m) npts = l*(m-2) nlax = 1 mm = 2 mmm = m1 alfa = .46 ia = 1000 eps = 1. nsc = 0 lsc = -1 15 nrel = 0 do 4110 j = mm, mmm do 4110 i = 1, l im1 = i-1 ip1 = i+1 if ( im1 = l1 if ( ip1 = 2 r = (x(ip1,j)+x(im1,j)-2.*x(i,j))*zinv(j)+ & (x(i,j+1)+x(i,j-1)-2.*x(i,j))*zzinv r = (r-y(i,j))*z(j) if (lsc-nsc) 29,29,30 29 x(i,j) = x(i,j) + alfa*r 30 if (abs(r).le.eps) nrel = nrel+1 4110 continue c c nrel gives the number of points that have converged . c nsc gives the number of scan made over the domain and c if it is less then the maximum number of iteration c allowed for complete convergence it keeps going to c statement number 15. lsc is the final check once c convergence has been achieved it does one more loop c before finally jumping out to statement 300 . c nsc = nsc+1 if (nrel-npts) 13,14,14 14 if (lsc .ge. nsc) go to 300 18 lsc = nsc+1 13 if ( go to 15 201 format(50h progress of relaxation npts,nrel,nsc,ia ) 300 continue write(6,201) 200 format(6x,4i9) write (6,200)npts,nrel,nsc,ia return end subroutine PSICHI (u,v,l,m,dx,dy,work,if1,if2) c c This subroutine is composed by two parts, c psichi and uuvv .uuvv does not stand alone and c can be used only after psichi has been called . c one external routine needed is the fft,subroutine fourt. c c subroutine psichi..computes (psi or zta) and (chi or div) c psi : streamfunction c zta : vorticity c chi : velocity potential c div : divergence c c calling sequence : c c call PSICHI (u,v,l,m,dx,dy,work,if1,if2) c c u : complex array dimensioned (l,m) on input, c the real part contains zonal wind component c on output, the real part contains psi or zta c v : complex array dimensioned (l,m) on input, c the real part contains meridional wind component c on output, the real part contains chi or div c c variables definition : c l : number of grid point in zonal direction c m : number of grid point in meridional direction c dx : grid distance in zonal direction, dimensioned m c dy : grid distance in meridional direction c work : working array needed for fourt, dimensioned 2* c 2*(larger value of l and m that is not a power of 2) c if1 = 1: compute psi. 0 : compute zta. c if2 = 1: compute chi. 0 : compute div. c c this routine is consistent with the following c finite difference scheme c c psi to zta : five point scheme with one dx and one dy c chi to div : same as above c u,v to zta : forward difference scheme c u,v to div : backward scheme c psi to upsi,vpsi : forward scheme c chi to uchi,vchi : backward scheme c c c this routine works only with non-cyclic domain.for cyclic domain c user should create the proper array by removing one of the two c cyclic boundaries before calling this routine. c one assumption is made in the computation of psi and chi: c ubar(area averaged u) is contained solely in psi, and c vbar(area averaged v) is contained solely in chi. c c subroutine UUVV computes u and v from (psi or zta) and (chi or div) c which has been computed through psichi. when psichi has been called c more than once,two important data are lost, namely ubar and vbar, c which are needed for the reconstruction of the wind field. c so if user needed to retrieve wind field at a later time,he/she should c use the labeled common /uvbar/ ubar, vbar in the main program and save c the ubar and vbar in anotherarray and set the proper ubar and vbar c before calling UUVV. c c calling sequence : c c call UUVV (u,v,l,m,dx,dy,work,if1,if2) c c u : complex array dimensioned (l,m) c on input, the real part contains psi or zta c on output, the real part contains u c v : complex array dimensioned (l,m) c on input, the real part contains chi or div c on output, the real part contains v c l : same as in psichi c m : same as in psichi c dx : same as in in psichi c dy : same as in psichi c work : same as in psichi c if1 = 1: input is psi. 0 : input is zta. c if2 = 1: input is chi. 0 : input is div. c dimension dx(1), work(1), nn(2) complex u(l,m), v(l,m) complex temp, xi, xj common /uvbar/ ubar, vbar data pi/3.1415926535898/ nn(1) = l nn(2) = m fliv = 1. / float(l) fmiv = 1. / float(m) flmiv = fliv * fmiv twopibl = 2. * pi * fliv twopibm = 2. * pi * fmiv dyiv = 1. / dy dysqiv = dyiv * dyiv call FOURT (u,nn,2,-1,0,work) call FOURT (v,nn,2,-1,0,work) do 4120 j = 1, m do 4120 i = 1, l u(i,j) = u(i,j) * flmiv v(i,j) = v(i,j) * flmiv 4120 continue ubar = real(u(1,1)) vbar = real(v(1,1)) u(1,1) = (0.,0.) v(1,1) = (0.,0.) do 4121 j = 1, m xcj = cos(twopibm * (j - 1)) xsj = sin(twopibm * (j - 1)) xcj1 = 1. - xcj xj = cmplx(xcj1,xsj) dxiv = 1. / dx(j) dxsqiv = dxiv * dxiv do 4121 i = 1, l if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) go to 4121 xci = cos(twopibl * (i - 1)) xsi = sin(twopibl * (i - 1)) xci1 = 1. - xci xi = cmplx(xci1,xsi) term = -2. * xci1 * dxsqiv - 2. * xcj1 * dysqiv termivx = 1. / term termivy = termivx if (if1.eq.0) termivx = 1. if (if2.eq.0) termivy = 1. temp = (v(i,j)*xi*dxiv-u(i,j)*xj*dyiv)*termivx v(i,j) = (u(i,j)*conjg(xi)*dxiv+v(i,j)*conjg(xj)*dyiv)*termivy u(i,j) = temp if (if2.eq.0) v(i,j) = -v(i,j) 4121 continue call FOURT (u,nn,2,1,1,work) call FOURT (v,nn,2,1,1,work) 30 if (if1.eq.0) go to 50 do 4122 j = 1, m do 4122 i = 1, l u(i,j) = u(i,j) - (j - 1) * ubar * dy 4122 continue 50 if (if2.eq.0) go to 70 do 4123 j = 1, m do 4123 i = 1, l v(i,j) = v(i,j) - (j - 1) * vbar * dy 4123 continue 70 continue return entry uuvv if (if1.eq.1) go to 100 call FOURT (u,nn,2,-1,0,work) do 4130 j = 1, m xcj1 = 1. - cos(twopibm * (j - 1)) dxiv = 1. / dx(j) dxsqiv = dxiv * dxiv do 4130 i = 1, l if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) go to 4130 xci1 = 1. - cos(twopibl * (i - 1)) term = -2. * xci1 * dxsqiv - 2. * xcj1 * dysqiv termiv = 1. / term u(i,j) = u(i,j) * termiv * flmiv 4130 continue call FOURT (u,nn,2,1,1,work) do 4131 j = 1, m do 4131 i = 1, l u(i,j) = u(i,j) - (j - 1) * ubar * dy 4131 continue 100 if (if2.eq.1) go to 130 call FOURT (v,nn,2,-1,0,work) do 4132 j = 1, m xcj1 = 1. - cos(twopibm * (j-1)) dxiv = 1. / dx(j) dxsqiv = dxiv * dxiv do 4132 i = 1, l if (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1) go to 4132 xci1 = 1. - cos(twopibl * (i - 1)) term = -2. * xci1 * dxsqiv - 2. * xcj1 * dysqiv termiv = 1. / term v(i,j) = -v(i,j) * termiv * flmiv 4132 continue call FOURT (v,nn,2,1,1,work) do 4133 j = 1, m do 4133 i = 1, l v(i,j) = v(i,j) - (j - 1) * vbar * dy 4133 continue 130 continue do 4134 j = 1, m jp1 = j + 1 jm1 = j - 1 if (j.eq.1) jm1 = m if (j.eq.m) jp1 = 1 dxiv = 1. / dx(j) do 4134 i = 1, l ip1 = i + 1 im1 = i - 1 if (i.eq.1) im1 = l if (i.eq.l) ip1 = 1 tt1 = -(real(u(i,jp1)) - real(u(i,j))) * dyiv & -(real(v(i,j)) - real(v(im1,j))) * dxiv tt2 = (real(u(ip1,j)) - real(u(i,j))) * dxiv & -(real(v(i,j)) - real(v(i,jm1))) * dyiv if (j.eq.m) tt1 = tt1 + m * ubar if (j.eq.1) tt2 = tt2 + m * vbar tt3 = real(u(i,j)) tt4 = real(v(i,j)) u(i,j) = cmplx(tt3,tt1) v(i,j) = cmplx(tt4,tt2) 4134 continue temp = cmplx(0.,-1.) do 4135 j = 1, m do 4135 i = 1, l u(i,j) = temp * u(i,j) v(i,j) = temp * v(i,j) 4135 continue return end